Fernando Previtali

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Fernando Previtali (16 February 1907 Adria, Italy1 August 1985, Rome, Italy) was an Italian conductor, particularly associated with the Italian repertory, especially Verdi operas.

He studied at the Music Coservatory in Turin, and later with Franco Alfano. He began his career as assistant conductor to Vittorio Gui in Florence from 1928 to 1935, and later in Genoa from 1935 to 1936.

He was artistic director of the Radio Italiana (RAI) Orchestra from 1936 until 1953, and conducted the Verdi cycle in 1951, to commemorate the composer's 50th death anniversary, and left recordings of Nabucco, Ernani, La battaglia di Legnano, Il trovatore, and Don Carlo. He also conducted at all the major opera houses of Italy, and was principal conductor at the Teatro Colon in Buenos Aires in the 1960s. He was appointed artistic director of the Teatro Regio in Turin in 1970, and later of the Teatro Comunale in Genoa.

He conducted the first performances of Dallapiccola's Volo di notte and Ghedini's Rè Hassan and Le Baccanti.

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