Fergal Browne

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Fergal Browne (born 1 September 1973) is a Fine Gael Party politician from County Carlow in Ireland who served as a member of the 22nd Seanad Éireann. He was elected by the Labour Panel in 2002.[1]

A member of Carlow Town Council from the 1999 local elections until the abolition in 2003 of the dual mandate, Browne was elected as Mayor of Carlow Town in July 2002.[2] At the 2007 general election he stood in the Carlow-Kilkenny constituency, but did not win a seat. After his defeat, he stood for the 23rd Seanad on the Cultural and Educational Panel, but was unsuccessful.[3]

His father John Browne (born 1936) is a former senator and TD for Carlow-Kilkenny.[4]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Mr. Feargal Browne. Oireachtas Members Database. Retrieved on 2008-02-18.
  2. ^ Fergal Browne. Fine Gael website. Retrieved on 2008-02-18.
  3. ^ Feargal Browne's electoral history. Electionsireland.org. Retrieved on 2008-02-18.
  4. ^ John Browne's electoral history. ElectionsIreland.org. Retrieved on 2008-02-18.

[edit] See also