Ferdinand I of Aragon

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Ferdinand I of Aragon.
Ferdinand I of Aragon.

Ferdinand I (Ferran - Catalan) (Medina del Campo, Castile, 27 November 1380 – Igualada, Catalonia, 2 April 1416), called of Antequera and also the Just or the Honest, was king of Aragon, Valencia, Majorca, Sardinia and (nominal) Corsica and king of Sicily, duke (nominal) of Athens and Neopatria, and count of Barcelona, Roussillon and Cerdanya (1412-1416). Regent of Castile (1406-1416). See Crown of Aragon.

He was the younger son of king John I of Castile and Eleanor of Aragon.

In 1406, upon the death of his elder brother, king Henry III of Castile, Ferdinand declined the Castilian crown and instead, with Henry's widow Catherine of Lancaster, became coregent during the minority of his nephew John II of Castile. In this capacity he distinguished himself by his prudent administration of domestic affairs.

In a war with the Muslim kingdom of Granada, he conquered the town of Antequera (1410), and hence his surname.

After Ferdinand's maternal uncle, the king Martin I of Aragon (Martin II of Sicily), died without surviving issue, Ferdinand was chosen king of Aragon in 1412 to succeed him in the Compromise of Caspe. The other candidate, count James II of Urgell (see counts of Urgell), revolted and Ferdinand dissolved the county of Urgell in 1413.

Ferdinand created the title of prince of Girona for the heir of the Crown of Aragon in 1414.

The most notable accomplishment of his brief reign was his agreement in 1416 to depose the antipope Benedict XIII, thereby helping to end the Great Schism, which had divided the Western Church for nearly 40 years.

He is buried in the aragonese royal pantheon of the monastery of Poblet, in a magnificent tomb ordered by his son Alfonso to Pere Oller in 1417.

Lorenzo Valla wrote an official biography of Ferdinand (Historiarum Ferdinandi regis Aragonum libri sex).

[edit] Family and children

Aragonese, Valencian and Sicilian Royalty
House of Trastámara

Ferdinand I
Children include
   Alfonso (future Alfonso V of Aragon, III of Valencia and I of Sicily and Naples)
   John (future John II of Aragon, Valencia and Navarre and I of Sicily)
   Eleanor, Queen of Portugal
Alfonso V (III of Valencia and I of Sicily and Naples)
   Ferdinand I of Naples (natural son)
John II (I of Sicily and II of Navarre)
Children include
   Eleanor, Queen of Navarre
   Ferdinand (future Ferdinand II of Aragon, Valencia and Sicily, III of Naples, IV of Castile and V of Leon)
   Joan, Queen of Naples
   Charles IV of Navarre
Ferdinand II (III of Naples, IV of Castile and V of Leon)
Children include
   Isabella, Queen of Portugal
   Joan, Queen of Castile
   Juan, Prince of Asturias
   Mary, Queen of Portugal
   Catherine, Queen of England
Grandchildren include
   Miguel da Paz, Crown Prince of Portugal and Spain
   Charles (future Charles I of Spain and V of the Holy Roman Empire)

In 1393 Ferdinand married Eleanor of Alburquerque (1374-1435). They had seven children:

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

Preceded by
Martin I
King of Aragon,
Sicily, and Valencia,
Count of Barcelona

Succeeded by
Alfonso V