
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

pt Este usuário/utilizador tem como língua materna o português.
en-5 This user is able to contribute with a professional level of English.
de-2 Dieser Benutzer hat fortgeschrittene Deutschkenntnisse.
it-2 Questo utente può contribuire con un italiano di livello intermedio.
es-2 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel intermedio de español.
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Firefox This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.
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[edit] About the writer

Due to the extremely low likelyhood of an independent party writing an article about Felipe Rech Meneguzzi, the person itself has decided to write a few lines describing his past endeavors and current activities.

[edit] Wikipedia Contributions


[edit] Academic Career

[edit] Work in the Industry

C-3 This user is an advanced C user.
C++-4 This user is an expert C++ programmer.
Java-4 This user is an expert Java programmer.
pro ?- Knows(Felipe.meneguzzi, Prolog).


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Felipe has worked as a contractor for Hewlett Packard in the brazilian R&D laboratory at Porto Alegre.

[edit] Pursuing a PhD

Mr. Meneguzzi is currently pursuing the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at King's College London, having previously been at the University of Southampton.

[edit] Death

The author hopes this section will not be necessary for some years, but should anything happen, you are likely to find him in this place.

[edit] Nifty Boxes

Brazil This user comes from Brazil.
Rio Grande do Sul State Flag This user hails from
Rio Grande do Sul.
London This user lives in London
This user comes from Jamaica.

[edit] Links

Felipe's Weblog
Felipe's Personal Page
Felipe Meneguzzi at King's College London
Felipe Meneguzzi at the University of Southampton