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The Felix-Rexhausen-Award were created 1998 by the Bund Lesbischer und Schwuler JournalistInnen to recognize and honor the mainstream media for their fair, accurate and inclusive representations of the LGBT community and the issues that affect their lives.
The Felix-Rexhausen Award is presented annually. It is named in memory of Felix Rexhausen, a german, gay writer. It is presented to an individual who has made a significant difference in promoting equal rights for the LGBT community.
[edit] Winners
2006 Martin Reichert: article "Adieu Habibi" (taz: 29. Juli 2006 )
2005 Hatice Ayten: TV documentary "Out of Istanbul" (arte: 30. August 2005)
2004 Lorenz Wagner: article "Goldrausch in Gelsenkirchen" (Financial Times Deutschland: 28. Mai 2004)
2003 Valentin Thurn: film on german chanel ZDF "Mein Papa liebt einen Mann" (Sendereihe "37 Grad": 22. Juli 2003)
2002 Rosvita Krausz: radio feature "Leb wohl mein Herzensschöner - Nachruf auf eine schwule Liebe" (Sender Freies Berlin (SFB): 28. April 2002)
2001 Martina Keller: radio feature "Ich liebe dich, Daddy!" over homosexuality in Namibia (Deutschlandfunk: 30. Januar 2001)
2000 Die Lesbisch-Schwule Presseschau: institutional for great engagement
1999 Karin Jurschik: article "Es gibt nichts, worüber wir nicht reden könnten" (Cologne monthly magazine "StadtRevue")
and Detlef Grumbach: feature "Bürger wider Willen - die Schwulen-Bewegung zwischen Revolte und Integration" (Deutschlandfunk)
1998 Thomas Rombach and Jürgen Kolb: documentary "Der süddeutsche Sängerkrieg oder Heidelberger Rosa Kehlchen versus Badischer Sängerbund" (radio magazine "Radio Sub" by chanel "Radio X" in Frankfurt, Germany)