Feijó (Almada)

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Coat of arms of Feijó
Parish coat of arms
Municipality Almada
Area 4.20 km²
 - Total 16,072 (2001)
 - Density 3,827/km²
Website: none

Feijó is a Portuguese parish, located in the municipality of Almada. It has a population of 16,072 inhabitants and a total area of 4.20 km². It is partly in Almada.


[edit] Coat of arms

Its coat of arms features a shining golden shield with its flower in the middle.

[edit] History

The history dates back to the 16th century, at the time characterized an intense rural exploration. The incidations that indicated the antiquity of the locals probably the Arabic influences with an example Algazarra.

The beginning of the area was named Feijó between the area of Rua Pêro da Covilhã and opened in 1813.

In the 16th century, it existed a populated area and an illustrious properties with the Count of Monsanto, Manuel de Sousa Coutino or the Count of Aveiras.

The enlargement of the areas began in the mid-20th century and brought population growth around Almada.

The parish was created under law No. 17-B/93 on June 11, 1993, which it required for the Almada Municipal Chamber, a group of the Family Chiefs manifested a needs on the existence of the population and represented an autarch, with its own inexistence as on a long distance and losing tome in the location of Cova da Piedade.

On April 25, 1974, it created its autonomy of the population and relations with Cova da Piedade.

In 1984, the parish of Laranjeiro was formed. It derived the area's economic and demographic growth. Lately in 40 years, the area was elevated to a parish on June 11, 1993. The first elections took place on December 12 and took office on January 6, 1994.

[edit] Economy

Its main economy are manufacturing, commercial services and services. It refers with all the existing businesses in the parish and is considered pollution free, it serves as an example for other areas.

[edit] Clubs

  • Clube Recreativo do Feijó
  • Clube Recreativo Alagoa
  • Clube Recreativo Vale de Flores
  • Clube de Sargentos da Armada
  • Associação Feijó Jovem (Feijó Youth Association)

Coordinates: 38°9′N, 9°9′W
