Fedor Vico

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Fedor Vico
Fedor Vico

Fedor Vico ( born November 9, 1944 ) is a Rusyn caricaturist from Slovakia.


[edit] Early life

Fedor Vico was born on November 9, 1944 in the eastern Slovak village Šapinec ( today part of Okrúhle ). He studied at Applied art high school in Bratislava.

[edit] Vico's work

He started to co-operate with humoristic magazine Roháč, for which he created a popular figure Jánošík. The Jánošík serial was publicated as a book in 1969. Because he also criticised a political situation in the book, he had to stop working as an author for several years until 1975. After 1975 he could only work in regional magazines. He chose to work for Nove žitja, where he publicated Rusyn serial Iľko Sova from Bajusov ( Il'ko Sova z Bajusova ). Later he continued to contribute Iľko Sova from Bajusov to Narodny novinky ( Rusyn newspaper ). He also made caricatures for Slovak SME and Czech Lidové noviny.

[edit] Prizes

  • Slovak literature fund prize
  • The prize of city Prešov

[edit] Other activities

He is a vice-chairman of Rusínska Obroda ( Rusyn Revival, non-governmental organisation ).

[edit] External links
