Feather (step)

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Feather or Feather step is the name of a dance figure in the International Style Foxtrot . A feather is also known as a continuity finish in silver American Foxtrot. Depending on a syllabus, it consists of three or four steps (man stepping basically forward), with the third step (right foot) done outside the lady (lady on the right side) with a slight turn in the body position to the right. The latter turn gave the name to the step, as an allusion to the "feathering the oar" action in rowing.

The step was first introduced in 1920 by G. K. Anderson.

The ISTD syllabus considers the fourth step that aligns the man with the lady into a normal dance position to be part of the Feather Step variation, while the IDTA syllabus does not. This fact should be kept in mind when reading Foxtrot dance variations described only in terms of main figures.

The pattern and especially its distinctive part (steps 2 and 3) gave rise to several variations:

  • "Curved Feather",
  • "Overturned Feather",
  • "Back Feather",
  • "Hover Feather".
  • Endings of more complex variations:
    • "Feather Finish" (the first step is taken back),
    • "Feather Ending" (the first step is taken in promenade position)

[edit] References