Template:Fb cl team 2pts
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|-Expression error: Unexpected < operator
|align=left|{{fb team {{{t}}} |oc= }} | | | | | |||Expression error: Unrecognised punctuation character "{"

Template:Fb cl team (Football - classification - team)
p : position (blank if the same position as the above team)
rows : qtd of rows (teams) with the same position (blank if the same position as the above team)
t : team
w : wins
d : draws
l : loses
gf : goals for
ga : goals against
dp : deduction points
pn : points note
bc : background color
tc : (optional) tournament's country. If the team's country is different from tc, the team's country's flag will be displayed beside the team's name.
If TEAM name shows as an unknown template, please create the template copying from this:
{{fb team |t=EnterDisplayedNameHere |tan=EnterTeamArticlesTitleHere |tc=EnterThe3LettersCountryHereFollowing_List_of_FIFA_country_codes_Article |oc={{#if:{{{oc|}}}|{{{oc}}} }} }}<!--