Fatty Fudge

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Fatty Fudge is a cartoon character in The Beano Comic. As his name suggests he is an extremely overweight individual with an addiction to unhealthy food and in particular confectionary. He is largely confined to supporting roles in the Minnie the Minx cartoon strip in which, alongside Minnie's other rival Soppy Susan he is usually the butt of Minnie's pranks, although his services are occasionally engaged by Minnie for the furtherence of her schemes. During the early 1990s however Fatty enjoyed his own spin off strip devoted entirely to the parodying of famous films. Examples of this incude Ghost Burgers, You only eat Rice, Sleeping Fatty, Frankfurterstein, Fishfinger, Live and let diet, The Incredible bulk, 2001 a space obesity, and 20,000 Leeks under the Sea. His real name is Frederick.

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