Fatal Acception

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Fatal Acception is an industrial band now based in Toronto.

The driving force behind Fatal Acception is Chris Whitney. Chris started making music with computers back in 1991. Under the band "Ninety Seven" Chris and Paul Perreault released a demo tape in 1995 called "truncated" featuring five songs. This single release didn’t take them far, and Chris performed only one solo show until 1998. In ‘98 Erik Ingalls joined them and the name was changed to "Psalm 97". Under the new name the band practiced hard and worked to bring together original material, and produced an album titled "False Idols Fall", but it was never released and the band died off.

It wasn’t until the year 2000 that the band was reawakened. The members stayed the same and the name was changed to "Fatal Acception" . New material was being immediately produced and the banded played at "Changez" in Windsor with five original songs as well as a KMFDM cover. Two months later the band performed at "The Zebra Room" with a full set of 13 songs, half originals. Shortly after that show the band released an album "01100001" or "97". The album featured 11 original songs and was sold throughout Windsor and area. Though only between 50-100 albums were sold it was the bands first real exposure.

Chris relocated to Toronto with Erik staying on but Paul was unable to work at such a distance. The band was featured on Toronto’s New Scream and played at "Savage Garden" with Erik, Chris and now Jenny Shaw playing. The band is currently in the final production stages of its next album.

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