Fashad Mohamed

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Fashad Mohamed is an Iraqi who died in custody on April 5, 2004.[1][2][3][4][5] He is alleged to have been captured, and beaten by SEAL team 7, the same SEAL team accused of beating another Iraqi who later died shortly thereafter. He was hooded, sleep-deprived, and soaked with water. According to the published reports he was finally allowed to sleep he didn't wake up.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Eric Schmitt. "Navy Charges 3 Commandos With Beating Of Prisoners", New York Times, September 25, 2004. Retrieved on 2008-01-29. 
  2. ^ Josh White. "3 More Navy SEALs Face Abuse Charges: Sailors Linked to Two Deaths in Iraq,]", Washington Post, September 25, 2004, pp. A16. Retrieved on 2008-01-29. 
  3. ^ Hina Shamsi, Deborah Pearlstein. "Command’s Responsibility: Detainee Deaths in U.S. Custody in Iraq and Afghanistan", Human Rights First, February 2006. Retrieved on 2008-01-29. 
  4. ^ Joanne Mariner. "Sex, Violence, and Military Justice", Findlaw, Wednesday, March 01, 2006. Retrieved on 2008-01-29. 
  5. ^ "Medical Investigations of Homicides of Prisoners of War in Iraq and Afghanistan", Medscape, 2007. Retrieved on 2008-01-29.