Faruk Begolli

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Faruk Begolli (Serbo-Croatian: Faruk Begoli) (born February 14, 1944 in Peć (Peja), Yugoslavia, died August 23, 2007 in Priština) was the most famous Kosovo Albanian actor and director of the former Yugoslavia (along with Bekim Fehmiu).

He attended high school in Priština and completed the academy of film in Belgrade (1966). Begolli played in more than 60 films, starting with Veljko Bulajić's Pogled u zenicu Sunca (1966). He cooperated with director Puriša Đorđević in his films Podne (Noon), Jutro (The Morning), and San (The Dream), and his notable roles include Bitka na Neretvi, Čuvar plaže u zimskom periodu and Derviš i Smrt (Death and the Dervish).

In the late 1980s, Begolli returned from Belgrade to Kosovo, where he worked at the University of Pristina as a professor at the Faculty of Drama. His last lead role was in Ekrem Kryeziu's Dashuria e Bjeshkëve të Nemuna (Love in the Damned Mountain), and his last piece was Etjet e Kosovës (Kosova: Desperate Search), where he was also a co-scenarist. He died in 2007, after a long battle with cancer.

Trivia: His brother was Adil Begolli, a well-known Kosovo producer.

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