Farrell Till

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John Farrell Till, (born on April 26, 1933) and known commonly as Farrell Till, was the editor of the formerly published Skeptical Review and is a prominent debater against Christianity and Biblical inerrancy in particular, having published several critical articles of the inerrancy subject as well as skeptical examinations of other Biblical interpretations.

He is a member of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, the National Center for Science Education, and the Council for Secular Humanism. Mr Till attained a B.A. English and M.A. English from Harding University.

Till has formally and informally debated numerous Christian apologists and evangelists. His debate opponents have included evangelist Dr. Norman Geisler, William Lane Craig, and Young Earth creationism proponent Kent Hovind.

Till was a Church of Christ pastor and missionary[1], but left the church in 1963. He later became an atheist. In addition to having editing The Skeptical Review, Till also runs the "Errancy" list, which discusses alleged Biblical contradictions and errors.

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