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Type Student newspaper
Format Magazine

Owner Melbourne University Student Union
Founded 1925
Political allegiance Non-aligned
Language English
Price Free
Headquarters Flag of Australia

Website: http://www.union.unimelb.edu.au/farrago/

First published in 1925, Farrago is the University of Melbourne student newspaper. Farrago is published by the Melbourne University Student Union.

[edit] Name

The term "farrago" means a confused variety of miscellaneous things.

The name is included in the motto Quidquid agunt nomines nosti farrago libello est — whatever men do forms the motley subject of our page.

[edit] Organisation

Up to four editors are elected annually and hold the shared title of Media Officer in the University of Melbourne Student Union, with the Union Secretary being the legally defined publisher. The editorship has been highly politicised in the past, and election campaigns are vigorous. Archives of Farrago are available at the Student Union's Rowden White Library and in the basement of the Bailleu Library on campus.

The newspaper was founded by Brian Fitzpatrick in 1925. Noteworthy editors in the past have included Geoffrey Blainey, Amira Gust, Claude Forrell, Ian Robinson, Morag Fraser, Garrie Hutchinson, Ross McPherson, Lindsay Tanner, Peter Russo, Louise Carbines, Jim Brumby, Pete Steedman, Arnold Zable, Kate Legge, Nicola Gobbo Cathy Bale, and Christos Tsiolkas in 1988.