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A farmette is a small residential farm run by an owner who earns income from a source other than the farm. It is sometimes known as a yokelet or a farmlet.

Farmette owners are typically city people who want to purchase rural land without operating a full farm. A farmette often includes a large vegetable garden, the occasional barn, tractor, and even farm or domestic animals, such as cats. Farmetters usually rely on their tractor to plow their long driveways during the winter.

One downside to owning a farmette is the occasional lack of high speed internet access.[neutrality disputed]

Fantasmagorias are held at farmettes, typically three to four times per year. Farmetters have been known to lure unsuspecting friends to these events with the promise of merriment and relaxation, only to request assistance with the stacking of multiple cords of wood.

A party held in farmette community is often described as a "hootenany". The barn is typically used as a smoking area, to keep the main farmette building itself safe and smoke-free.

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