User:Fang 23

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Image:Qxz-ad3.gif About me
Hi, I am Fang 23. I mostly edit on the EvoWiki and Wikipedia where I am a regular editor. However, I am also an active sysops on A listing of accounts I have on other wikis is shown in "fang 23's wikihub."

Fang23's Wikihub:
23 Contact Fang_23

Picture of the day
Korean War train attack

United States Army forces target railway cars south of Wonsan, North Korea, an east coast port city, during the Korean War. Trains in North Korea were targets of attack by U.S. and other U.N. forces, so much so that both military and civilian trains often had to wait out the daylight hours in tunnels.

Photo credit: United States Army
ArchiveMore featured pictures...

Image:Microtony defcon-3.png Vandalism picking up especially page replacing vandalism
IRC user Alexfusco5, 20:27, 12 June 2008 (UTC) ch p

[edit] Barnstars

The Original Barnstar
Thank you for the outstanding work you have done improving the top-importance article "Paleolithic" and shedding light on this crucial period in human evolution!! --Phenylalanine (talk) 19:56, 22 March 2008 (UTC)
Ninja stars rock!!!

[edit] userboxes

A userbox is a small box that looks like this.
Userboxes can come in many different styles, including an ID Box on the right side, or even 2 ID Boxes.
Userboxes can have one or two sideboxes.
ubx-1 This user is a userbox novice.
H2O This user drinks water regularly.
This user loves to eat pineapples.
This user drinks tea.
This user is a Stargate fan.
US This user uses American English.
This user hates it when cool images are deleted.
This user believes that articles are useless without images.
This user eats watermelon.
This user eats bananas.
This user eats apples.
This user loves oranges.
This user eats carrots, and can see in the dark both with and without eating carrots.
This user eats strawberries.
This user is diurnal.
The person is smart; people are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it!
IQ This user's Intelligence Quotient is 155.
This user does not smoke.
Secondhand smoke is one of this user's pet peeves.
This user practically inhales jalapeños.
G This user uses Google as a primary search engine.
This user drinks Mountain Dew.
This user supports a policy of mass annihilation for vandals
This user just cant stand spammers.
This user is bold, but not reckless, in updating pages.
G This user's favourite colour is green.
This user has brown hair.
This user cleans up vandalism.
vn-5 This user page has been vandalized 5 times.
This user loves to eat fries, or chips.
This user is interested in Theism.
This user is interested in conspiracy theories but thinks lizards, UFOs and antisemitic theories are disinformation
es-1 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel básico de español.
... This user would like to know oodles more languages.
nws-5 This user newspeaks doubleplusgoodwise.
sar-N This user is a native speaker of sarcasm. Isn't that just great?
This user has been on Wikipedia for
1 year, 5 months and 13 days.
This user has been helping to make the internet not suck since 2007.
This user is proud
to be a Wikipedian.
This user is a cereal killer.
This user eats raspberries.
en-∞ This user speaks English at a godlike level.
This user believes global warming is a reality we will have to face.
This user, based on evidence and current consensus, thinks that the Universe began with a bang.
This user is interested in philosophy.
Sibs This user is an only child.
According to the Political Compass this user is:
Economic Left (-8.88) and
Social Libertarian (-6.30)
This user believes in logic.
Logo This user loves knowledge.
d'oh! This user thinks The Simpsons is simply...excellent.
This user thinks Family Guy is freakin' sweet.
This user demands you Respect my authoritah!
This user opposes the installation of any kind of advertisements on Wikimedia Foundation operated sites.
This user identifies as a Democratic Socialist. Kind of.
This user is a Libertarian socialist.
This user does not support the Chinese Communist Party.
This user believes that both capitalism and authoritarian socialism are inherently unjust systems, and that humans can do better.

This user acknowledges that Marxism is evil.
This user thinks penguins are evil.
They Are Coming...
' This user is Star Wars fan.
This user is the King of the Hill.
RN This user is a fan of radioactive kung-fu fridge boy and monkey slayer, Ross Noble.
This user has an
Vegetable garden
This user is addicted to traveling.
This user would like to vacation on Mars (one day).
This user is a Naturalist.
#1 This user is one in 7,299,868.
This user adheres to the philosophy that an edit a day keeps the vandals at bay.
This user is interested in the ancient Celts.
Image:Usa flag circle.png This user reads Wackopedia Conservapedia for amusement
This user's news source is The Onion.
This user tracks his or her money on Where's George?
This user wants to see Jimbo and Willy on Wheels duke it out in the ring, with Chuck Norris as the referee.
This user condemns
factory farming.
This user prefers warm weather.
This user supports Renewable Energy.

This user strongly opposes the expansion of Ethanol as an alternative fuel source.

This user believes in the separation of church and state.
This user doesn't like fascists.
This user opposes racism and admires Martin Luther King, Jr..
This user is of multiple ancestries.
This user enjoys skygazing and astronomy.
This user is a history buff.
This user realizes that educated people from the Middle Ages already thought that the Earth was spherical.
This user maintains a strict policy advising against all personal attacks.
Fx This user is glad that Pluto never was a planet.
Ha ha ha Pluto! :-)
This user owns one or more dogs.
This user eats sushi.
This user eats Swedish Fish.
Παλαιος This user is a member of the crew.
This user supports the use of wind power and electric vehicles.
incl This editor is an inclusionist.
This user is opposed to the Police-State-like war on userboxes.
BS This user can speak Bullshit.
BS-5 This user is able to contribute with a professional level of Bullshit.
This user knows that bears are Godless killing machines.
ALL This user is a fan of all kinds of comedy.
This user believes in
Democracy without elections.
This user is a supporter of the anarchist movement, but not of the violent stereotypes often placed on them.
This user is an Anarchist.
This user is a committed advocate of democracy.
This user supports the National Confederation of Labour.
S This user is interested in sociocracy.
This user is an environmentalist.
This user knows that the solution to global warming is piracy.ʰ
userbox This user is an evolutionist
This user does not believe in Flying Spaghetti Monsterism, but agrees it is as likely as creationism.
This user believes in a god or gods.
This user admires all expressions of Nature
S This user is spiritual, but not religious.
This user agrees with the general principles of evolution.
This user believes that mankind cannot progress unless
Country Music is eliminated.
This user understands biological evolution.
This user sees no problem in the idea of a higher power(s) creating human beings and life on earth through biological evolution.
This user is interested in Evolution.
respect This user respects others' religions and realises not all people wish to follow the same path.
This user's spiritual beliefs
are complex and personal.
This user is a Neopagan.
This user believes in Paganism.
This user finds the question of whether or not ignostics exists makes no sense.
This user expresses disgust at the way celebrities choose to live their lives.
This user is disgusted by the overblown media coverage of celebrities.
$ ¥
€ £
This user believes that the profit motive makes Network news reporting inaccurate and biased.
This user likes the Dogpile search engine.
G This user will use Google before asking dumb questions.
IE This user contributes using
Internet Explorer.
la-1 Hic usor simplice latinitate contribuere potest.
700 This user says "Turn off The 700 Club."
This user believes the death penalty should never be used except for very special cases.
This user thinks you can't trade with animals (but you can offer a home)
This user has or has yet to Journey to the Center of the Earth .
HP This user prefers the Harry Potter books to the films.
This user is a member of the Anarchism task force.
This user is currently working on
This user is a swimmer.
This user doesn't speak freaky-deaky Dutch!
This user is on a mission from God.
This user enjoys snorkeling.
This user is an archer
This user is a bicyclist.
abc This user is a brown belt in Jujitsu. 柔術
This user prefers cable television over satellite television.
Opr This user is interested in Oprahism, a mainstream religion in the year 3000.
This user is interested in World War II.
This user's favourite subject is History.
This user is God
(and so are you).
This user supports the ACLU.
ID You don't need to see this user's identification.
George W. Bush This user believes that George W. Bush's edits to the constitution need to be reverted.
Image:Emblem-deadly.svg this user is interested in
This user is interested in
This user is interested in Paleontology.
This user's favourite subject is Biology.
This user's favourite subject is Zoology.
This user is interested in Anthropology.
This user would want to know what a black hole looks like from inside, but doesn't want to discover it by themselves.
This user supports the protection of the environment.
This user misses the Yangtze River dolphin.
This user is interested in ancient civilizations.
This user needs more userboxes. MORE, I tell you, more!!! Muhahaha!
This user loves userboxes.
This user reads Science Fiction.


fan-2 This user is a big fan of the comedian Carlos Mencia.
This user has walked with the Monsters.
This user has walked with the dinosaurs.
This user has walked with the beasts.
This user enjoyed watching The Blue Planet.
This user is interested in Strings.
mankind This user supports the use of gender-neutral language.
TCR This user wants you to know that you're on notice.
This user doesnt want68.39.174.238 to get an account.
This user lives in or is from Connecticut.
This user is a checkers player.
This user enjoys playing chess.
0.\bar{9}=1 This user knows that 0.999... is exactly 1.
This user likes to learn free vocabulary & give free rice.
This user's best FreeRice vocabulary level is 44.
This user is interested in politics.
This user is for racial equality.
This user supports gender equality.
PC This user is Pro-Choice.
This male user supports feminism.
This user is heterosexual.
This user is straight... but not narrow. Shame on those who are.
This user supports equal rights for homosexual people.
X This user is neither a Republican nor a Democrat.
This user opposes gun control.
This user's safety and liberty are protected by firearms.
rand This user opposes Ayn Rand's objectivist philosophy.
This user is interested in ancient Rome.
This user is interested in ancient Egypt.

This user is interested in the history of the Cold War.
This user is interested in the Russian Revolution
In Soviet Russia, userbox reads you.
This user likes any type of pizza so long as it comes in pairs along with a little Roman guy exclaiming "Pizza! Pizza!".

This user has set foot in 3 countries of the world.
Editing Wikipedia is something this user does as a hobby.
This user is of Irish ancestry.
This user is right-handed.
This user supports stem cell research.
This user supports immigration and the right to travel freely upon the planet we share.
This user supports Green politics.
en This user is a native speaker of English.
en-5 This user is able to contribute with a professional level of English.
This user is against monarchy.
The only throne this user has sat on was made of porcelain.
id This user supports the Movement Against the Monarchy.

This user is a transhumanist.
This user supports space exploration.
S This user is an advocate of sociocracy.


This user supports legalizing cannabis because prohibition doesn't work.
This user is drug-free.
This user is a Monkey.
but that doesn't mean he's an imperialist This user is Proud to be an American, sometimes.
This user prefers using userboxes to fill up their user page instead of actually writing something useful.
X This user does not believe in the existence of human races, except as a social construct. X
This user knows that there are
654,965 reasons why the
2003 invasion of Iraq was wrong.
This User Believes that the USA is indeed a Global Empire.
All this user wants is a Fucking sign.
This user thinks that Weird Al is weird.
This user visits the Astronomy Picture of the Day.
This user is supportive of the new definition of planet.
This user admires the tropical rainforests.
This user is a skeptic.
This user does not know any
music theory.
This user loves The Beatles.
This user enjoys rock music.
W This user mourns the Wicked.
Thus user has a chainsaw, and will use it to prune articles or users that need it.
4-Humor This user finds most things to be funny, and has no trouble laughing at them.
This user's favourite subject is Geography.
This user supports userboxes .
This user thinks that Wikipedia has become too bureaucratic.
This user spends far too much time editing his/her user page.
This user has a sense of humour
and shows it on their userpage.
This user supports the independence of Tibet.
This user is an Indiana Jones fan.
LOTR This user loves The Lord of the Rings, both the books and the films.
This user loves the Summer.
This user doesn't like crowded cites.
This user enjoys camping.

This user enjoys boating.
<image src=""> You scored as Idealist. Idealism centers around the belief that we are moving towards something greater. An odd mix of evolutionist and spiritualist, you see the divine within ourselves, waiting to emerge over time. Many religious traditions express how the divine spirit lost its identity, thus creating our world of turmoil, but in time it will find itself and all things will again become one.











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