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Land Frontierland
Attraction type Fireworks and Hydrotechnic Show
Theme The Heroes and Villains of Disney
Opening date May 13, 1992
Music Fantasmic! Good Clashes with Evil in a Nighttime Spectacular & A Musical History of Disneyland
Ride duration 22 minutes
Performance Venue Rivers of America

Fantasmic! is the night-time fireworks and visual hydrotechnic show at Disneyland in California and Disney's Hollywood Studios, Florida. It originated at Disneyland in 1992 when Disneyland Entertainment was asked to create a night-time spectacular involving water and fireworks to fill the space at the Rivers of America. Disneyland Entertainment employed the resources of Walt Disney Feature Animation and Walt Disney Imagineering as collaborators. In 1996, Walt Disney Entertainment in Florida, partnering with Imagineering and Feature Animation as well, worked to adapt the show for performing at Disney's Hollywood Studios (then Disney-MGM Studios), featuring brand new animated and live action scenes.

At Disneyland, the Rivers of America had to be drained in order to install the extensive lighting, effects and sound equipment in addition to a new track for the S.S. Columbia and the Mark Twain to travel for the show. The walkways in New Orleans Square were also modified, but were already considered one of the benefits of building the show in that location.

When Team Disney Orlando commissioned a Fantasmic! of its own in 1996, a purpose-built 10,000 seat amphitheater was built at the Disney MGM Studios, which was suffering from low attendance and wanted a replacement for Sorcery in the Sky, the night-time entertainment fireworks show that the park opened in 1992. The Rivers of America at the Magic Kingdom was not conducive to a replication of the layout at Disneyland.


[edit] Synopsis: Disneyland

As the lights fade, the river is quiet and dark. Then, a very faint musical note is heard, swelling and growing into a dramatic chord. A brilliant cone of light shoots up from the island into the sky, circling — but with nothing inside.

Another chord is struck, and the cone vanishes, the lights shine on a dark shadow and revealing Mickey Mouse. The music becomes glorious and exciting, as Mickey brings the river to life. Mickey lifts his arms upward as sparks shoot from his fingers. He then appears on giant water "screens" as the Sorcerer's Apprentice, from the film Fantasia. The musical score from "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" and the theme "Imagination" interweave to accompany the action, as Mickey conducts animated shooting stars and live firework comets flying across the sky.

The water screens are filled with twinkling stars that dissolve into colorful, blooming flowers. On stage can be seem huge flower petals, changing color and transforming from a pink Camellia to a yellow and white daisy to a purple pansy to a red rose. The petals then become huge green leaves and combine with on-screen animation to become the flora and fauna of the jungle.

As fog begins to float over the river, the rhythm and exotic sounds of the jungle can be heard. Through the fog can be seen an enormous Kaa, the snake from The Jungle Book, slithering across the island with piercing beams of light for eyes, searching the audience as he makes his way through the jungle foliage. The Jungle beat grows as floating stages carry King Louie and neon-colored monkeys across the river, which has been transformed into an imaginative jungle where everything moves to the wild beat.

The music changes abruptly to a pulsing, contemporary rendition of "Pink Elephants on Parade" from Dumbo, as animated pink elephants appear both on-screen and on the island. Suddenly, the elephants seem to be puppets dancing on strings, and then vanish, leaving the strings behind. Now the magical strings manipulate three huge puppets, with Pinocchio in the center.

On-screen we see Jiminy Cricket underwater, calling to his pal Pinocchio, in gurgling desperation. A colorful montage of underwater creatures appears. Jiminy then encounters the huge eye and teeth of Monstro the Whale. A combined sequence of film and live special effects show the angry, tail-thrashing whale creating a storm-like effect on the water, with real water splashing around as Monstro stirs up the sea. The sounds of crashing waves and thunder rumble through the audience, as we witness a ship, on-screen, being tossed in the storm.

Peter Pan and Captain Hook sword fight aboard the Colombia Sailing Ship.
Peter Pan and Captain Hook sword fight aboard the Colombia Sailing Ship.

A loud cannon shot takes our attention to the Pirate Ship, coming around the bend, filled with action. Captain Hook, Smee, Peter Pan and pirates jump, climb and swing on ropes in a battle fully scored like a scene from an epic swashbuckling adventure film. Peter Pan saves Wendy from the pirates. Following the ship is a huge crocodile, "tick-tocking" as he goes, scaring Captain Hook up to the crow's nest and Mr. Smee trying to save Captain Hook. We see Peter Pan on the top of the rigging victorious, as the ship disappears into the on-coming fog.

The "Imagination" theme comes in again as pink and blue clouds cover the river. Snow White and Prince Charming, Ariel and Eric, and Belle and the Beast all float by, as if in a dream ballet in the clouds, each so happy to have their dream come true. But the beautiful music starts to sound a bit haunting. The Evil Queen from Snow White appears on stage, calling for her magic mirror -- which appears in animated form, on-screen, and says, "Famed is thy beauty, Majesty. But hold! Three lovelier maids I see." The sinister Queen seethes with jealousy and hatred as the mirror continues, "And here, in Mickey's imagination, beauty and love will always survive."

In anger, she moves to her bubbling cauldron, where she creates a brew of evil magic to transform herself in the Wicked Witch once more! The magic mirror transforms into the ugly face of the wicked witch, who says, "Now I'll turn that little mouse's dream, into a nightmare Fantasmic. Imagine THIS!" On-screen, we see her face dissolve into that of the sea witch, Ursula, from The Little Mermaid, as out from the river and fog comes the tentacles of a 20' tall Ursula, laughing violently as she passes. Back on-screen, the face of Ursula fades to reveal only her evil eyes, which transform into the eyes of the horrific Chernabog, from Fantasia.

Images of skeletons on horseback, riding across the sky, appear on-screen as Chernabog watches, flames dance in his hand. Then a real burst of flames explodes on the island and Maleficent, from Sleeping Beauty, appears. Mickey Mouse sees Maleficent and shakes in his shoes as she points to him and says; "Now you will deal with ME and all the powers of MY IMAGINATION!" (A sort of spoof of her last spoken line to Prince Philip in the movie: "And now you shall deal with me, O prince and all the powers of hell!"). Another burst of flames signals a dramatic transformation as Maleficent grows 30' tall and changes into a ferocious dragon, on-screen. But, as lightning flashes, you can see through the animated sequence on-screen to a huge 40' three-dimensional dragon, taking over the island. She lowers her head and breathes fire over the river, igniting it into a sea of flames. The evil side of imagination has now created an island of terror.

Only Mickey can save himself from his own imagination, and he appears as the Brave Little Tailor, ready to do battle. With electrifying laser special effects, he defeats the dragon and all the evil forces. On-screen, we see the villains, zapped by Mickey's positive powers, swirl into the air and vanish in a burst of pixie dust. A sparkling, twinkling presence can be seen and a magical sound begins to grow, as Tinkerbell appears. Flying about the sky on-screen, she waves her magic wand and showers the Mark Twain with pixie dust as it comes around the bend. The riverboat is loaded with all the lovable Disney characters, waving banners and cheering their hero, while fireworks cascade over the rails of the Mark Twain.

As the riverboat reaches the dock, a flash explodes on top of the boat, revealing Mickey Mouse as Steamboat Willie at the helm. Mickey pilots the boat past the audience in a festive celebrational finale, and then disappears into the fog. Suddenly, Mickey appears in a splash of light up on Lafitte's Tavern, now as Sorcerer Mickey. The music swells and grows, as he conducts laser beams that criss-cross over the entire river area, creating a sunburst effect radiating out from Mickey, proving that the magical powers of his positive imagination are stronger than ever. As the musical theme "Imagination" builds to a final chorus, a glorious display of fireworks is added to the river spectacular.

Then, in a flash, Mickey magically disappears from atop the Tavern and reappears again, center stage, in his normal character. All the effects and music abruptly freeze, and Mickey says to the audience, "Some imagination, huh? Haha!" And with that, Mickey disappears in a flash. On the final note a brilliant firework shoots toward the sky and the river is quiet and dark once more save for an audience roaring with excitement.

[edit] Attraction facts

  • Official debut: May 13, 1992
  • Location: Rivers of America, Disneyland, Disneyland Resort, Anaheim, California
  • Producers: Disneyland Entertainment, Walt Disney Feature Animation and Walt Disney Imagineering
  • Executive Producer: Ron Logan
  • Audio: LCS matrix audio system w/ WildTracks audio playback software
  • Control: Fully Automated by SMPTE timecode
  • Score: Bruce Healey
  • Director: Barnette Ricci
  • Villains: King Pete, The Evil Queen, Ursula, Chernabog, Maleficent, Captain Hook, Kaa, Monstro, and Pink Elephants on Parade
  • The twenty-foot tall Ursula is no longer a part of the show. It collapsed upon itself, and was therefore taken out. A budget was given to replace Ursula when Fantasmic! received their new barges in 2007, but never happened when the barges went overbudget.
  • Show cost: $30,000 per evening. Cost includes Guest Control Cast Members.

[edit] Synopsis: Disney's Hollywood Studios

Fantasmic Logo at Disney's Hollywood Studios
Disney's Hollywood Studios
Land Sunset Boulevard
Opening date October 15, 1998
Music Fantasmic! Good Clashes with Evil in a Nighttime Spectacular
Performance Venue Hollywood Hills Amphitheatre

As the lights fade, a female narrator gives a brief welcome and mentions of the powers of imagination. A very faint musical note is heard, swelling and growing into a dramatic chord in the complete darkness. Once the chord strikes, two tall columns rise on stage left and right, with roving spotlights, until finally Mickey appears centre stage. He conducts various water fountain effects, until bringing up the giant water-mist "screens", which, in conjunction with a few flares, fade into the famous "Sorcerer's Apprentice" scene from Fantasia.

From there, the falling stars of the Sorcerer's Apprentice scene morph into flowers, and after a brief interlude, into a jungle scene.Elephants, giraffes, monkeys, birds, ostrich, rhinos, crocodiles, and cheetahs begin to herd in the mountain. Neon Animals making noise and dancing around, as they were herding around in the island. Simba and Nala romping from The Lion King. The water screens spring back up, and the show continues with songs and scenes from the blockbusters The Jungle Book and Tarzan. After that, a large Bubble Montage begins to take place where major classic animated Disney movies and characters are in the bubbles. Scenes from The Lion King, The Jungle Book, Dumbo, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Alice in Wonderland, Hercules, Pinocchio, Aladdin, Mulan, Cinderella, Lady and the Tramp,Fantasia, Bambi, Beauty and the Beast, and The Little Mermaid pop and float across the screen. As the bubble goes atop, here comes Jiminy Cricket.

Continuing on the screens, an animated Monstro appears next, with a heavy musical score, crashing into the waters. The chaotic sea morphs into one of the opening scenes from Pocahontas, with the ship caught in a storm. The screens disappear, and the lights immediately darken.

A loud cannon blast erupts. Live characters re-enact battle scenes from the movie Pocahontas. Governor John Ratcliffe and his fellow Englishmen fight against the Native Americans, followed by John Smith. As John Smith climbs to the very top of the mountain, a Native American warrior moves to strike Smith when Pocahontas arrives; the water screens spring back up, and Grandmother Willow appears, with a quote from the movie; the lights dim on the battle, and the Colors of the Wind scene plays out on the screens. The show then moves into classic dancing scenes with Princess Aurora and Prince Phillip, Cinderella and Prince Charming, and Princess Jasmine and Aladdin.

Guidemap for Disney-MGM Studios when Fantasmic! was on the cover.
Guidemap for Disney-MGM Studios when Fantasmic! was on the cover.

Three small floats now arrive, with Belle and the Beast, Ariel and Prince Eric, and Snow White and her Prince completely contained in their own float. As each float reaches the centre, the spotlight shines on it, with the accompanying signature melody from each movie - Beauty and the Beast, Part of Your World, and Someday My Prince Will Come, respectively.

Unfortunately, the music takes on an eerie note, and Mickey's dream takes a turn for the worse. The Wicked Queen from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs appears, and concocts a spell amidst pyrotechnics and other special effects. She invokes some of the most infamous Disney Villains: Ursula (The Little Mermaid), Cruella de Vil, Scar, Frollo and Jafar, who uses his magic to send Mickey to the cave of wonders. After escaping a wave of lava, Mickey encounters Jafar, who transforms into a giant black cobra who appears on both the stage and the mist screens. Seeing a magic lamp, Mickey rubs it, assuming it will help him. Unfortunately, Jafar is transformed into a genie and calls upon Hades and Chernabog, who summons spirits from the dead.

Just then, on stage, Mickey encounters Maleficent, who unexpectedly transforms into a 40-foot-tall fire-breathing dragon that sets the waters ablaze - guests as far as halfway back in the theater can feel the heat. Mickey in his Pauper clothing manages to create a wall of water around the island, smothering the flames and defeating the dragon. He destroys the villains using his imagination and his sword. Maleficent dies as the water splashes with a large big firework bang. All is quiet, until we see Tinkerbell flies to restore the mountain. Magical stars sparkle in the mountain as the Steamboat Willie River Boat comes.

The mood brightens in the festive finale of fireworks, sparkling effects and a large steamboat with characters, a celebratory atmosphere prevails amid a flurry of fireworks. Beloved Disney characters glide past the audience aboard the Steamboat Willie River Boat, as Fantasmic! concludes with a triumphant Mickey rejoicing at his victory over evil. Mickey in his Sorcerer clothing atop at the highest point of the mountain begins to light up the mountain using his magic. Fireworks, fire, and water lights up the stage. As Mickey finishes his finale, he disappears from the top of the mountain and reappears in his little old shiny tuxedo suit at the bottom in the blink of an eye and says, "Some imagination, huh? Haha!" And there is a bright flash and Mickey is gone, leaving an applauding audience behind.

[edit] Attraction facts

[edit] Florida Map Difference

The map that was used in Disney's Hollywood Studios to promote Fantasmic! showed a different Dragon than Maleficent in the show. This was due to the way the actual dragon looks in the show, as well as the print time that the art had to be prepared for. The actual dragon is not designed to be photographed, hence the artist's rendering.

[edit] Contrasts

The shows in Disneyland and Disney's Hollywood Studios, although with the same theme and music, have some slight differences.

  • At Disney's Hollywood Studios, the attraction runs for almost 27 minutes long (due to the montage of Disney clips inside bubbles, the additional villains, and the wall of water at the climax), compared to Disneyland's which is only 22 minutes.
  • The Jungle Scene with Kaa, King Louie, and the monkeys from The Jungle Book at Disneyland is replaced with a tribute to The Lion King at Disney's Hollywood Studios. However, King Louie and the monkeys did appear briefly in the bubble scene.
  • The Peter Pan re-enactment from Disneyland is taken out of the Disney's Hollywood Studios version and replaced with scenes from Pocahontas at the request of Michael Eisner, who wanted more recent films in the show.
  • The Pink Elephant clips and Pinocchio puppets are replaced with a montage of many clips from Disney features inside bubbles at Disney's Hollywood Studios. However, they did appear briefly in the bubble scene
  • Due to Equity union contracts, Ariel cannot flip her fin past 90 degrees and no lifts can be performed in the princess medley at Disney's Hollywood Studios.
  • Ursula's reprisal of "Poor Unfortunate Souls" is taken out to introduce the other Disney Villains. She plays a smaller role in the Florida show than the California one.
  • More villains are featured in the Florida version. Many of the additions are villains from Disney animated features released after the Disneyland version was first featured.
  • In California, Mickey destroys the villains by pointing the sword at the Dragon and saying "You may think you're so powerful, well this is my dream!", which causes "light" to shoot toward the villains. In Florida, he still says this, but before he destroys the villains, he causes a wall of water to block out the island and douse the flames and marches over to the sword in the stone and pulls it out.
  • Whereas the show is performed on the Rivers of America at Disneyland, they needed a new draw for Disney's Hollywood Studios for the night. The Hollywood Hills Amphitheatre was built at Disney's Hollywood Studios, which was especially made for Fantasmic!
  • Instead of the Mark Twain riverboat, the characters in the Florida show dance on a boat based on the steamboat from Steamboat Willie.
  • The Disneyland version uses a much bigger boat for the characters than in the Florida version.

[edit] Controversy

The original finale for the Florida version of the show was said to involve Mickey walking on the surface of the river and rising up in a column of water to slay the dragon. While some say the effect suffered from technical problems, others suggest that former Disney CEO Michael Eisner felt the concept had too many religious parallels. A simpler ending of Mickey using the sword in the stone was used instead. However, the show's soundtrack CD had already been produced with the last track called "Mickey Walks On Water/Evil Destroyed."

[edit] Disneyland Technology

The water projection screens were initially designed with a single screen centered in front of the island. During development, show producers determined that the venue would need three screens to enable viewing along the entire waterfront. In addition to providing story development, the screens hide set changes that happen on stage while video playback is occurring. Although Disney has been experimenting with digital projection technologies, the screens are still lit by 70mm film projectors.

There are six pyrotechnics barges that can hold up to three shows worth of pyrotechnics each. Two barges go on each side of the stage, and two are at center stage. The pyrotechnics were re-designed during the Winter 2008 refurbishment.

The lighting system consists of three main towers in the audience seating area, along with two stage towers, along with several axillary lighting systems. In early 2008 the lighting system was completely replaced, the first major rework since the show opened in 1995. [1] After a 3-month period, the show reopened on March 7, 2008 with new Clay Paky fixtures mounted on the completely redesigned towers, including Alpha Wash 1200s and Alpha Profile 1200s, replacing the old Morpheus PC Spot fixtures. Additionally 2 Syncrolite fixtures per tower, both on the island on on the shore were added. These Syncrolite fixtures add much more black-light capability due to their immense output. The followspots were also replaced, removing the gobo capability, thus changing some effects, adding some gobo uses by way of the new Alpha Spots.

Video and audio playback were originally mastered to laserdisc. Originally Triad provided the show control for the complex audio source and mixing systems, as well as programming services for Fantasmic. After the May to June 2007 remodel, there are four J arrays (d&b audio) consisting of two J8s and two J-SUBs per stack and there are three arrays mimicking the placement of the water screens as the primary music source. During the scenes with fire on water, one or more of the arrays are turned off to prevent damage. Along the edge of the mainland (land side of the river) there are Meyer UPA-1Cs for delay and 2 MSL-2As per tower. There is a surround system of d&b Ci90s and Ci60s and various EAW cabinets. Additional fill cabinets are added to the Columbia because it blocks the arrays from the island as it drives by. All the audio runs off a Meyer/LCS Matrix3 system, with eight tracks of playback and close to forty outputs. There is something in the region of six different areas of sound that are duplicated on three sides of the stage. All loudspeakers, d&b and Meyer are run off d&b D12 or E-PAC amplifiers. The amplifiers are split into two locations, one on the island and one at the control booth. By using the d&b ROPE C control software engineers can look at both parts of the system from the control area.

The Mark Twain Riverboat is actually powered by the rear mounted paddle, but is guided by the same replacement track installed at the install time of Fantasmic. It is real steam powered paddle boat but the steam is regulated by the engineer in the rear of the boat and steam is powered by a diesel-fueled boiler. The boiler is regulated at the center of the boat with many gauges and a three way toggle switch labeled "Slow, Fast and FANTASMIC" This last setting provides the most speed, as the boat flies by as compared to normal day to day operation.

The Columbia is also diesel powered, like the Mark Twain. It sports a real cannon that gets shot during the Peter Pan portion of Fantasmic.

Lasers were added around 2002 to the tree above the main building on the island.

[edit] Soundtrack

[edit] Disneyland Production

  • Conceived and Directed by Barnette Ricci
  • Produced by Bruce Healey
  • Engineer: Don Dorsey

[edit] Disney's Hollywood Studios Production

  • Conceived and Directed by Barnette Ricci
  • Score Composed/Arranged by Bruce Healey
  • Soundtrack Produced by Bruce Healey
  • Executive Vice President of Entertainment: Ron Logan
  • Album Executive Producer: Doug Strawn
  • Album Produced by Bruce Healey
  • Recorded and Mixed by Paul Freeman
  • Soundtrack Editing, Sound Effects, and Surround Sound Design by Paul Freeman
  • Music Production Manager: Daren Ulmer
  • Album Coordinator: Ted Rickeets

[edit] Trivia

  • The Nightwish song FantasMic takes its name from Fantasmic! and contains numerous Disney references. This song was written by the band leader Tuomas Holopainen as a dedication to Walt Disney, as Holopainen is a major Disney fan.[2]
  • The original Disneyland soft-opening and press premiere was scheduled to begin Wednesday April 29, 1992 and continue through the weekend. By late afternoon rioting began in Los Angeles following the acquittal of the Los Angeles police officers involved in the Rodney King beating. Promotional materials with the catch-phrase "Be Here When the Night Ignites" were quickly pulled from public circulation. Unfortunately, Fantasmic! was not the first Disneyland attraction to share its premiere with an infamous Los Angeles tragedy. On August 9, 1969, Haunted Mansion was officially opened while later that evening actress Sharon Tate and others were murdered by Charles Manson and his followers.
  • Through some speculation, it is revealed that this attraction was the partial inspiration for the creation of the Disney/Square Enix game, Kingdom Hearts.

[edit] 2008 Update

Fantasmic over went some refurbishing for the 2008 Year of a Million Dreams Celebration. A new lighting layout, Higher quality Projections, and Stage projection lighting. The Finale of the show underwent the most change, It uses less fireworks and more lights. There is more use of the tower strobe lights throughout the show as well.

[edit] Characters appearing in the finale

The Disneyland version's finale usually includes Steamboat Willie; Minnie Mouse; Goofy; Donald Duck; Pluto; Chip 'n Dale; Ariel and Prince Eric from The Little Mermaid; Belle and Beast from Beauty and the Beast; Snow White and The Prince from Snow White; Cinderella from Cinderella; and Princess Aurora from Sleeping Beauty. Various other Disney characters will be included, completely filling one side of the Mark Twain Riverboat.

The Disney World version's finale usually includes Steamboat Willie; Minnie; Goofy; Donald; Pluto; Chip; Dale; Ariel and Prince Eric; Belle and The Beast; Snow White, the prince, and the Seven Dwarfs; Lilo and Stitch; Pinocchio and Geppetto; Rafiki; Br'er Bear; Mulan; Pocahontas, John Smith, and Meeko; Mary Poppins and the chimney sweeps; Hercules and Meg from Hercules; and Aladdin and Jasmine. Sometimes, Alice, Baloo, Cinderella's Fairy Godmother, Quasimodo (from The Hunchback of Notre Dame), Phil (from Hercules) Robin Hood and/or also appear.

[edit] Image gallery

[edit] See also

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Lighting Fixtures 'While this is a blog, it does show pictures confirming the new fixtures'
  2. ^ Tuomas' comments about the songs on the Wishmaster album.

[edit] External links
