Falkenstein (Sächsische Schweiz)

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The Falkenstein is the most famous and the most important peak in the Saxon Switzerland. It is situated in the area of the 'Schrammsteine' southeast of the city of Bad Schandau. The Falkenstein is nearly 300 ft high and consists of Sandstone. In the Middle Ages there were fortifications on top of the Falkenstein. Still today the stairs carved into the rock are visible.

In the Year 1864 the first ascent in modern times was conquered by gymnasts from Bad Schandau. This first ascent of the climbing route 'Turnerweg' is also called 'the birthday' of Saxon rock-climbing. The peak of the 'Falkenstein' can only be reached by skilled climbers. Nowadays more than 100 routes lead to the top. The most popular ascent is the so called

  • 'Schusterweg' (III), which was first climbed by Dr. Oscar Schuster in 1893.

Other famous climbs at the 'Falkenstein' are

  • 'Südriss' (VIIa) - first ascent Oliver Perry-Smith in 1913
  • 'Direkte Westkante' (VIIIb) - first ascent Wulf Scheffler in 1956
  • 'Buntschillernde Seifenblase' (IXb) - first ascent Bernd Arnold

(All grades Saxon rating)

Coordinates: 50°55′N, 14°12′E
