Faculty of Medicine of Alexandria University

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Faculty of Medicine of Alexandria University
Faculty of Medicine of Alexandria University


[edit] History

The Faculty of Medicine of Alexandria University was established following the Royal decree No. 32 pronounced in August 1942 by King Farouk the first. Teaching started in the academic year of 1942/1943. The establishment of the Faculty was the culmination of the efforts of many Alexandrian scholars and physicians headed by Mi Ibrahim Pacha (Professor of Surgery, born in Alexandria) and Dr. Mohamed Mahfouz Bey (a famous Alexandrian ophthalmologist and head of the Alexandria Eye Hospital). The pre-clinical teaching took place on the premises of the Abbaseya Secondary School, while the clinical teaching took place in the Municipal (Amireya) Hospital the largest hospital in Alexandria built by Khedive Ismail in 1876. A new hospital was subsequently established to house all the clinical departments of the Faculty. Four new buildings were also added with four large amphitheatres to house the academic departments.

[edit] Location

The Faculty of Medicine is located in Al-Azarita area in Midan Al-Khartom, Alexandria, Egypt.

[edit] Subjects of each Academic year

First Year

  • Anatomy Part I
  • Biochemistry Part I
  • Histology Part I
  • Physiology Part I
  • Terminology
  • Computer Skills
  • Human Rights (first term only)

Second Year

  • Anatomy Part II
  • Biochemistry Part II
  • Histology Part II
  • Physiology Part II
  • Psychology
  • Computer Skills

Third Year

  • Pharmacology and Therapeutics
  • Medical Microbiology
  • Pathology
  • Parasitology

Fourth Year

  • Community Medicine
  • Forensic Medicine and Toxocology
  • Ophthalmology
  • E.N.T.
  • Emergency Medicine
  • Introduction to Internal Medicine

Fifth Year

  • Internal Medicine
  • Pediatrics and Child Health

Sixth Year

  • Surgery
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology

[edit] See also

[edit] External links
