Faculty of Law, Cambridge

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The Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, by night,
The Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, by night,
...and by day
...and by day
The interior of the Faculty building
The interior of the Faculty building

The Faculty of Law at the University of Cambridge is one of the faculties at the Sidgwick Site. The building opened in 1996 and was designed by Norman Foster, who also designed the terminal building at Stansted Airport. The building suffered serious acoustic problems (primarily due to a lack of consideration of acoustics in Foster's Design), with its form amplifying any noise from the lower levels and causing significant disturbance at higher levels, not least in the library. [1]. This was fixed in 1999 with the addition of a glazed acoustic screen, separating quiet areas from noisy ones.

The Faculty building contains the University's Squire Law Library, together with offices, lecture and seminar rooms and common room facilities. The Faculty has 24 professors, nine readers, and over 70 other University, Faculty and College Teaching Officers. The student body comprises about 740 undergraduate and 250 graduate students.

The Squire Law Library, which consumes the majority of the first, second and third floors of the building, is a dependent library of Cambridge University Library. It contains one of the largest legal collections in the UK (approx. 160,000 volumes with about 2,000 serial title subscriptions). The collection ranges across UK law and the law of other major common law countries (United States, Australia, Canada and New Zealand).

Most individual colleges also have a smaller law library of their own.

Students considering studying an undergraduate law degree at the Faculty can now experience the Faculty Open Day online, as a video, audio or text stream.

Students who are interested in studying the one-year post-graduate LL.M. course can view information about applications, and the various subjects on offer, here. These pages include video, audio and written presentations about the content of each individual subject (captured at the annual LL.M. Subject Forum).

[edit] Faculty Officers

The Officers of the Faculty of Law for 2007-2008 are:

  • Secretary of the Faculty Board of Law: Dr Kirsty Allen, Faculty of Law
  • Secretary of the Degree Committee: Dr Guglielmo Verdirame, Fellow of the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law
  • Deputy Director of the LL.M. Course: Dr Matthew Conaglen, Trinity Hall
  • Assistant Director of the LL.M. Course: Ms Isabelle Van Damme, Clare College

[edit] Research Centres

The Faculty has a number of associated Research Centres:

[edit] External links