Faculty of Arts of Priština

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Faculty of Arts of Priština (Serbian: Факултет уметности у Приштини or Fakultet umetnosti u Prištini) is the faculty of arts of the University of Priština in Kosovo, Serbia.


[edit] History

The Faculty was founded in 1973 as the Academy of Arts and got the present name in 1986. Because of the conflict in Kosovo it was moved in 1999. It first moved to Varvarin and later to Zvečan and Kosovska Mitrovica, where it is now. It is part of the University of Priština, temporarily relocated to Kosovska Mitrovica.

[edit] Divisions

[edit] Degrees offered

[edit] Acting

[edit] Music

[edit] Visual arts

  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Master of Arts

[edit] Notable teachers

[edit] External links