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I'm a Turkish Vikipedist. I'm of Çepni Oghuz-Turk descent. I'm 14 years old. I'm from Giresun province. I know nine Turkic Dialects.

"Turkic Languages" is not right. "Turkic dialects"! and this is not Pan-Turkism. This is the truth. In 1905, all of the Turkic peoples say their language "Türkî tili/dili/dılı/tılı or çülhi"(çülhi: til-çil-çül- "çül + hi til + i" -Remember! In English, some people say Tuesday like tchuuzday and tch is ç...). After the USSR, Turkic language became Turkic languages. One language became 41 languages in 70 years!!??? Impossible.