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F'lar is the Benden Weyrleader and rider of bronze Mnementh in Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern series. He was born Fallarnon,[1] 32 turns before the beginning of the Ninth Pass of the Red Star.[2] His father, F'lon, and his grandfather, S'loner, were both Weyrleaders in their own time. His mother was Larna, who died just after giving birth to him, and he was raised by Manora, the Headwoman at Benden Weyr and mother of his half-brother F'nor.

At the time of his ascension to Weyrleader, Benden Weyr was the only populated weyr on Pern. Like F'lon, F'lar believed that Thread would return to devastate the land. He took responsibility for ensuring that Pern was protected from Thread, and he even promised the Lord Holders that he would destroy Thread completely at its source, the Red Star.

F'lar was a champion of justice, and was involved in a number of knife fights that were fought to protect both his beliefs and those less able to defend themselves. He fought and killed Fax, the self-styled "Lord of Seven Holds", when the visit of dragonriders to his holdings precipitated a challenge to Fax's authority.[3] This victory resulted in the discovery of Lessa of Ruatha Hold as a candidate for the last remaining queen egg, and ultimately the successful Impression of Ramoth. Later, he also fought the oldtimers T'ron (who challenged him when he offered to help another Weyr) [4]and T'kul (whose dragon, Salth, had just died trying to fly the queen Caylith, in contravention of an agreement that only younger Bronzes would have the opportunity).[5]

Mnementh flew Ramoth to establish F'lar's leadership in the weyr, and F'lar and Lessa became lifemates. Together they had a son, F'lessan, whose childhood name was Felessan.

After the discovery of AIVAS, F'lar was one of the champions of the scheme that rid Pern of thread forever. [6]

F'lar has dark hair (Later described as grey/greying[7]), and amber eyes that he inherited from his sire, Falloner (F'lon).

[edit] Notes and References

  1. ^ McCaffrey, Anne, The MasterHarper of Pern
  2. ^ McCaffrey, Anne, The Skies of Pern
  3. ^ McCaffrey, Anne, Dragonflight
  4. ^ McCaffrey, Anne, Dragonquest
  5. ^ McCaffrey, Anne, The White Dragon
  6. ^ McCaffrey, Anne, All the Weyrs of Pern
  7. ^ McCaffrey, Anne, The Skies of Pern