Extatosoma tiaratum

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Exatostoma tiaratum
Male E. tiaratum on a leaf
Male E. tiaratum on a leaf
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Phasmatodea
Family: Phasmatidae
Subfamily: Tropidoderinae
Genus: Extatosoma
Species: E. tiaratum
Binomial name
Extatosoma tiaratum
(Macleay, 1826)

Extatosoma tiaratum is an Australian insect, also known as Macleay's spectre, spiny leaf insect or the giant prickly stick insect.

They feed on eucalyptus. In captivity, they can be fed guava leaves, which are easy to cultivate, or bramble, which also grows during winter in Europe.

E.tiaratum, Bristol Zoo, England
E.tiaratum, Bristol Zoo, England

[edit] Taxonomy

There are two subspecies described at present.

[edit] Behaviour

The eggs are hurled away by the female and land on the ground. They are then often carried away by ants, as they look like plant seeds. The newly hatched nymph is a close replica of the Leptomyrmex ants, especially L. darlingtoni. They have a red head and black body, the abdomen is curled upwards (Leptomyrmex does this, too) and they walk rapidly.

E. tiaratum, Frankfurt Zoo
E. tiaratum, Frankfurt Zoo

[edit] External links

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