Ex gratia

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Ex gratia (sometimes ex-gratia) is Latin (lit. 'by favour') and is most often used in a legal context. When something has been done ex gratia, it has been done voluntarily, out of kindness or grace. In law, an ex gratia payment is a payment made without the giver recognising any liability or legal obligation.

The phrase is pronounced: /ˈɛksˌɡrɑ.ʃiə/

[edit] Examples of ex gratia payments

Compensation payments are often made ex gratia when a government or organisation is prepared to compensate victims of an event such as an accident or similar, but not to admit liability to pay compensation, or for causing the event.

In the UK, a company conducting layoffs may make an ex gratia payment to the affected employees that is greater than the statutory payment required by the law, particularly if those employees had a long and well performing service with the company.