Evangelical Movement of Wales

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The Evangelical Movement of Wales was born in the 1940s, it came to light as a counter move by reformed Christians to the liberal theology which was gaining influence in to the protestant denominations of Wales during the 20th century. Individuals of Evangelical persuasion came together to try and do something to counter attack what they saw as the rotting of the old Calvinistic bible-based Welsh Christian heritage.

The Movement is a fellowship of churches and individuals who accept the Holy Scriptures, as originally given, as the infallible Word of God and of divine inspiration, and who recognise them as their sole authority in all matters of faith and practice.

The Movement serves both English and Welsh speakers. Given this bilingual focus, where appropriate, parallel and corresponding status is given to both languages in their work.

The Movement's stated aims are:

  • The promotion of a true and faithful witness to the fundamental truths of the Christian faith and to the essential spiritual unity of those who subscribe to it.
  • To bring others to a personal knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and to encourage such to live a godly life.
  • To foster evangelism, experiential religion and a concern for revival.
  • To provide means for uniting and co-ordinating the witness and fellowship of evangelical churches, fellowships and individual Christians.
  • The formation and supervision of evangelical fellowships.
  • The publication distribution and sale of English & Welsh literature consistent with the doctrinal belief of the Movement and to facilitate the same to open such shops and other outlets as may be necessary for these purposes.
  • To provide Christian workers who subscribe to the movement's doctrinal belief with advice and support.
  • To provide theological education and training for persons aspiring to Christian service within the evangelical constituency.
  • To co-operate with other bodies, at home and abroad, which subscribe to the movement's doctrinal beliefs in the furtherance of the foregoing aims and objects.
  • To help Christians think and act biblically regarding the world in which they live.

[edit] History

The Movement's first initiative was to publish Y Cylchgrawn Efengylaidd (The Evangelical Magazine), first published in 1948. The magazine was originally published in Welsh and soon after a sister magazine was published in English.

The General Secretary of the Movement for 45 years and one of its founders was Rev J. Elwyn Davies, he stated:

the Movement became a focus for fellowship, nurture and service for Christians who found themselves placed at a considerable disadvantage in churches and denominations which, to a very considerable extent, had departed from the main tenets of the Christian faith.

The Movement and Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones, an influential member, have been influential among Evangelical Christians in Wales and beyond (see also Gareth Davies).

Experiencing increased hostility in the 1950s and 1970s within their churches, a number of pastors and congregations left their denominations and set up independent evangelical churches in many parts of Wales.

[edit] Sources

  • Davies, Gwyn : 'Light in the Land - Christianity in Wales 200-2000' : 2002
  • Gibbard, Noel : 'The first 50 years - history of the Evangelical Movement of Wales' : 199?

[edit] External links