Template:European Election 1999 (Netherlands)

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Party Abbr. EU party  % Change Seats
Christian Democratic Appeal CDA EPP-ED 26.9 -3.9 9 -1
Labour Party PvdA PES 20.1 -2.8 6 -2
People's Party for Freedom and Democracy VVD ELDR 19.7 +2.2 6 0
Green-Left GL EGP-EFA 11.8 +8.1 4 +3
Political Reformed Party-Reformed Political Alliance-Reformatory Political Federation SGP-GPV-RPF EDD 8.7 +0.9 3 +1
Democrats '66 D66 ELDR 5.8 -5.9 2 -2
Socialist Party SP EUL-NGL 5.0 +3.7 1 +1
Centre Democrats CD none 0.5 -0.5 0 0
Others 1.3 -1.6 0 0
Total     31 0