European Union Institute for Security Studies

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Institute for Security Studies
Institute for Security Studies
Location Paris, France
Pillar Common Foreign and Security Policy
Director Javier Solana

The European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS), an agency of the European Union, came into being on July 20, 2001 as a replacement to the Western European Union Institute for Security Studies (established in July 1990). The EUISS was made into an independent agency in January 2002.

The institute represents a part of the transfer of functions from the Western European Union to the European Union, and more specifically to the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), under whose auspices it is an autonomous agency with intellectual freedom. It seeks to find a common security policy for the EU. It both researches and debates issues, and engages in dialogue with other European non-member nations and with Canada and the United States of America. The institute also offers analyses to the Council of the European Union and to Javier Solana, High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy.

EUISS is a network partner of the European Security and Defence College.

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