European Institute for Health Records

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EuroRec logo

The European Institute for Health Records or EuroRec Institute is a non-profit organization founded in 2002 as part of the ProRec initiative. On 13 May 2003, the institute was established as a non-profit organization under French law. Current President of EuroRec is Prof. Georges De Moor. The institute is involved in the promotion of high quality Electronic Health Record systems in the European Union. One of the main missions of the institute is to support, as the European authorised certification body, EHRs certification development, testing and assessment by defining functional and other criteria.

The objectives of the institute are:

  1. To federate the established ProRec centres that comply with a set of explicit criteria.
  2. To develop specifically those activities that cannot be handled at the level of ProRec centres and/or within their scope, according to the principle of subsidiarity and in view of both synergy and economy of scale.

[edit] European Projects

  • Q-REC: European Quality Labelling and Certification of Electronic Health Record systems (EHRs)
  • RIDE: A Roadmap for Interoperability of eHealth Systems in Support of COM 356 with Special Emphasis on Semantic Interoperability
  • EHR-IMPLEMENT: National policies for EHR Implementation in the European area: social and organizational issues

[edit] See also

[edit] External links