European Council on Foreign Relations

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European Council on Foreign Relations

Formation 2007-10-02
Type Think tank
Headquarters Berlin, London, Madrid, Paris, Rome, Sofia and Warsaw
Location Flag of Europe European Union
Membership 50
This article is about the European Union organization. For the Washington State (USA) based fire department, see East County Fire & Rescue (ECFR).

The European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) is a pan-European think tank which was launched by fifty prominent Europeans in October 2007 and is financed by billionaire and philanthropist George Soros, along with Sigrid Rausing, the Spanish foundation FRIDE, the Italian UniCredit Group, and the Bulgarian Communitas Foundation. Its goal is to provide strategic analysis on the European Union's foreign policy performance, and to promote a more coherent and vigorous European foreign and security policy.

ECFR's founding members include former European prime ministers, parliamentarians, and public intellectuals, committed to increasing the EU's role on the world stage. The initiative is headed by Mark Leonard, and has offices in five European capitals - Berlin, London, Madrid, Paris, and Sofia. In April 2008, 33 further prominent Europeans joined the Council. ECFR is not linked to the US-based Council on Foreign Relations.

The think-tank's reports include a "Power audit of EU-Russia relations" (November, 2007), and "Afghanistan: Europe's forgotten war" (January, 2008).

[edit] Members

Martti Ahtisaari, former President of Finland and UN Special Envoy to Kosovo
Martti Ahtisaari, former President of Finland and UN Special Envoy to Kosovo

The fifty founding members (aside from Leonard) are:

[edit] See also

[edit] External links
