European Commissioner for Taxation & Customs Union

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The Commissioner for Taxation & Customs Union is the member of the European Commission. The current commissioner is László Kovács (PES).

The portfolio is responsible for the Union's customs union and taxation policy. The European Union has had a customs union since the creation of the European Economic Community and that union extends to the non-EU members of the European Economic Area and to Turkey, Andorra and San Marino.


[edit] Current commissioner

Commissioner Kovács was approved by the European Parliament in 2004, he has outlined is priorities [1] under taxation as;

  • The creation of a common consolidated corporate tax base in the EU.
  • One stop shop in the area of VAT.
  • The fight against tax fraud.
  • The promotion of environmentally-beneficial behaviour.
  • The control of the application of specific Community tax provisions and of the Treaty freedoms.

And under the customs union as;

  • Reinforcing security for all: pre-arrival and pre-departure information; common risk-management system across the Community.
  • Protecting consumers and facilitating business: protection of Community citizens and business, notably in the area of counterfeiting.
  • Reviewing the future of rules of origin in preferential trade arrangements.
  • Combating fraud.

[edit] List of commissioners

[edit] See also

[edit] External links