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Eurescom is a private organisation for managing European research and development projects in telecommunications. Eurescom is based in Heidelberg, Germany, and currently has 16 network operators as members performing collaborative R&D.


[edit] History

In 1991, Eurescom - European Institute for Research and Strategic Studies in Telecommunications GmbH - was founded by European telecoms network operators as an organisation for coordinating collaborative R&D programmes among them. In mid-1990, in mid 1990, 26 European network operators had signed a Memorandum of Understanding as a basis for establishing the institute as a centre for collaborative research and development in Heidelberg, Germany. The idea was to combine R&D resources and create synergies in order to advance innovative technologies in European telecommunications more efficiently. Since 1991, Eurescom has produced several hundred project results, which have impacted European telecommunications technology. Eurescom made, for example, major contributions to the introduction of interoperable European ISDN, the design of today's network management systems, specifications in the Internet domain, and the development of new services and applications for mobile and fixed networks.

[edit] Members of Eurescom

[edit] European research activities

Eurescom has been involved in EU research projects under Framework Programme 5 (FP5) and Framework Programme 6 (FP6) as well as in the work of EUREKA Cluster CELTIC. Eurescom participates in the discussions on the future of telecommunications as a member of the WWRF (Wireless World Research Forum) and in the European Technology Platforms eMobility and NEM (Networked and Electronic Media). In addition, Eurescom runs its own Eurescom Study Programme, in which European network operators collaborate on exploring future telecommunications technologies.

[edit] External links

Eurescom Website
CELTIC Website
WWRF - Wireless World Research Forum
eMobility Technology Platform
NEM Technology Platform