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EUMETCast is a service run by EUMETSAT, the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites. EUMETCast is a scheme for data dissemination that uses encrypted DVB-S transmitted from the Hot Bird 6 (in Ku band) and Atlantic Bird 3 (in C band) satellite from Eutelsat. It includes data from Meteosat 7 (Indian Ocean), 8 (MSG-1) and 9 (MSG-2) (MSG-1 and MSG-2 are first satellites from family of Meteosat Second Generation), derived products, data from polar orbiting satellites (Metop-A and NOAA-18 global coverage, NOAA-17 and NOAA-18 European regional coverage) and data from other meteorological programmes. Most common formats used for satellite images there are HRIT and LRIT, known under common name as XRIT. The data may be used free of charge for personal and academic purposes.

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