Eugene Tunnel

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Eugene Tunnel
Carries Formerly 1 track of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific railroad
Crosses Under a hill, and an unknown highway
Locale Cole County, Missouri
Design Concrete Tunnel
Opening date 1914
Destruction date 1981

The Eugene Tunnel is a railway tunnel in Cole County, Missouri. It was built by the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific railroad in 1914, and is tunnel number three or four on this line from Kansas City, Missouri to St. Louis, Missouri. The tunnel is an vertical-oval shape, and goes west to east in direction.

This Rock Island line was abandoned in 1981, one year after the liquidation of the Rock Island. The Kansas City Terminal Railway used it from 1980, to 1981, but this line was in terrible condition and KCT stopped service on that line. Many court hearings, and wants of this line have happened over the years. Union Pacific originally owned the line after the Rock's bankruptcy, but sold it to a power company.

The next tunnel on this line is the Koesltown Tunnel

Tunnel number four is the Vale Tunnel