User:Etranger3 01

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Wikipedia: Babel
ja この利用者は日本語母語としています。
en-4 This user speaks English at a near-native level.
fr-1 Cet utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveau élémentaire de français.
it-1 Questo utente può contribuire con un livello semplice di italiano.
es-1 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel básico de español.
pt-1 Este usuário/utilizador pode contribuir com um nível básico de português.

While being a Foreign Policy Aide to Senator Tadashi Inuzuka of the National Diet of Japan, I also represent a civil network in Japan called the JNICC or Japanese Network for the ICC as its Secretary-General, which advocates for an independent and effective International Criminal Court (ICC). The JNICC is also part of a global coalition of NGOs and civil organizations called the CICC which advocate for the common cause. As of May 27, 2008 I'm the Director of World Federalist Movement of Japan (in Japanese only) which is the Japanese member organization of the international headquarters of WFM based in New York. In the headquarters I represent them as a Councilor.

Being in such a multilateral position, my interests are focused on various aspects of international relations (IR) matters, primarily focused on providing up-to-date information on developments in Japan concerning matters related to the ICC, Human Security and general matters in foreign affairs.


[edit] English works

In the English Wikipedia, I have limited experience as of yet because my primary motive was in editing the ICC article. However, I'm starting to catch up. Here are the very few artciles that I have worked on under my self-des categories.

[edit] International Criminal Court

[edit] Human Security

[edit] General Foreign Affairs

[edit] Japanese works

In the Japanese Wikipedia, I've worked on the following articles.
For links in the Japanese Wikipedia, click here (partly bilingual).

[edit] International Criminal Court

  1. 国際刑事裁判所の特権及び免除に関する協定 - The Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Court
  2. 国際刑事裁判所の設立に関する最終合意書 - The Final Acts of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
  3. 侵略犯罪に関する特別作業部会 - The Special Working Group on the Crime of Aggression
  4. 国際刑事裁判所の歴史 - The History of the International Criminal Court
  5. 国際刑事裁判所規程 - The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
  6. 国連総会決議3314 - United Nations General Assembly Resolution on the Definition of Aggression (edit only)
  7. 被害者信託基金 - The Trust Fund for Victims
  8. 国際刑事裁判所 - The International Criminal Court

[edit] Human Security

  1. 地球規模問題に取組む国際議員連盟 - Parliamentarians for Global Action, PGA
  2. 国連緊急即応待機旅団 - Multi-National Stand-By High Readiness Brigade for UN Operations, SHIRBRIG
  3. クラスター弾に関する条約 - Convention on Cluster Munitions
  4. 国連緊急平和部隊 - UN Emergency Peace Service, UNEPS
  5. 人間の安全保障 - Human Security, HS(edit only)
  6. 核兵器禁止条約- Nuclear Weapons Convention, NWC
  7. 保護する責任 - Responsibility to Protect, R2P
  8. 武器貿易条約 - Arm Trade Treaty, ATT
  9. 国際平和活動 - Peace Support Operations, PSO
  10. 国際平和協力 - Contributions to International Peace
  11. 国連待機制度 - UN Standby Arrangements System, UNSAS

[edit] International Humanitarian Laws/Human Rights

  1. ジュネーヴ諸条約の追加議定書 (1977年)(edit, overhauled)
  2. ジュネーヴ諸条約第一追加議定書(edit, overhauled)
  3. ジュネーヴ諸条約第二追加議定書(edit, overhauled)
  4. 強制失踪防止条約 - International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance

[edit] Special Anti-Terror Law

  1. 国連アフガニスタン支援ミッション - United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan, UNAMA
  2. 武装解除・動員解除・社会復帰 - Disarmament, Demobilization, Reintegration, DDR
  3. 国防エネルギー支援センター - Defense Energy Support Center, DESC
  4. アフガニスタン侵攻 (2001) - The War on Terror in the Afghanistan(edit only)
  5. 非合法武装集団の解体 - Disbandment of Illegal Armed Groups, DIAG
  6. 国連安保理決議1368 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 1368, UNSCR1368
  7. 国連安保理決議1386 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 1386, UNSCR1386
  8. 国連安保理決議1776 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 1776, UNSCR1776 (edit only)
  9. 国際治安支援部隊 - International Security Assitance Force, ISAF
  10. 不朽の自由作戦 - Operation Enduring Freedom, OEF
  11. 海上阻止行動 - Maritime Interdiction Operation, MIO
  12. 海上治安活動 - Maritime Security Operation, MSO
  13. ボン合意 - The Bonn Agreement

[edit] General Foreign Affairs

  1. 西アフリカ諸国経済共同体 -Economic Community of West African States, ECOWAS (edit only)
  2. チャールズ・ウィルソン - Charles Nesbitt Wilson(edit only)
  3. マイク・ホンダ -Michael M. Honda (edit only)
  4. 犬塚直史 -Tadashi Inuzuka (edit, overhauled)
  5. 加入 -Accession

[edit] General Articles

  1. インターナショナル・マネジメント・グループ -International Management Group, IMG (edit, overhauled)
  2. ニック・ボロテリーテニスアカデミー -Nick Bollettieri Tennis Academy, NBTA
  3. 議員連盟一覧 -List of parliamentary groups in the National Diet of Japan (edit, restructured)
  4. 議員連盟 -a parliamentary group (edit)
  5. 加島祥造 -Shozo Kajima (edit only)

[edit] Entries under draft

  1. 国際連帯税創設を求める議員連盟 -Parliamentary Group on International Solidarity Levy, PGISL
  2. 革新的資金メカニズム - Innovative Financing Mechanism, IFM
  3. 通貨取引開発税 -Currency Transaction Development Levy, CTDL
  4. 国際連帯税 - International Development Levy

[edit] Notes

As can be noted above, I'm also the principal author of most of the Japanese wiki version of the ICC category entries (except for the entry on Fumiko Saiga (斎賀冨美子?), the first Japanese judge to be elected to the Court.)

For more up-to-date info on ICC and activities in Japan, visit here (in Japanese only).

Last Updated:--Etranger (talk) 10:29, 13 June 2008 (UTC)