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[edit] 18:29, 22 Mar 2005 . . (talk · contribs)
- (Contribution by anon, deleted. Anything rescuable here?)
The Uak of Anuket for the coming rains azwen vacation spot for the gods Anutet had four brothers Haka Kho'nesu He'ri'sha'ef and KhunumiII.The god went to cities on fest day and Khunumi was the father of most of the god of Upper egypt along with the daughters of sekhmet and hathorI. HathorII was the wife of HorusII. Together they had five kids and lived far North in the lower kingdom as the offical rulers of egypt. The kingdom of S'na was ruler of the Nubian
and expected to pay tax to the upper kingdom.Khunumi made a point of using his powers as a god to dry up farm cities to not pay tax to the King of the two land Harakti first son of Horus.The Mother of Khunumi's sister was Astarti of kanan and his trade with Kanan went past the lower kingdom and this upset Harakti.After Harakti's brother Ihy returned from Waset he stated that Khunumi was fighting rebels in nubia and no gold was coming if there.Not beliving Khunumi Harakti road the Nile until Waset.At the house of Ra he found Heka and Khonesu.They told him there father was in Az'wen but Harakti Demanded payment for taxes when Menhet And Amen'et came in Khonesu was fighting with Harkti and Heka had chased harakti's men who had stolen much gold.Menhit was a daughter of sekhmet and took Harakti down.By the time the Egyptian god Amen returned w his army Harakti's brother had came with the cult of osirus from Aybidos.Harakti's brother had Heka and Khunumi had Harakti king of the two lands.