
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[edit] List of things I hate

1. People who think they are Scottish, Irish, or any other bullshit white "ethnicity" when they had a grandparent or some other relative who lived there or did something gay there. Ask everyone in the entire United States of America this, and not a single person will say they are American; this is the response you will hear from half of the people you ask: (In American accent) Both of my great-grandparents on my grandmothers side were Irish so that makes me Irish...wait just a second there I got to go use me water closet. Oh, did I say 'me water closet'? I meant to say 'my washroom' (as if they were trying to sound like they were getting used to America even though they have lived there all their life)"

2. The word "teen". Not because it makes that age group seem sub-adult or not as mature as adults (that is the reason most children ages 13-17 hate it), but the exact opposite; they don't deserve to be considered seperate from the children age group, I mean they are such fucking morons. They listen to emo music, disobey their parents, disrespect their parents, act like "rebels" and think they are so mature, pretend they are drunk, think being drunk is cool, think drugs are cool, think they are mature by having sex, edit myspace (grrr! Myspace is so gay), think they are being dramatic by killing themselves (or threatening to kill themselves), or think they are "in love"; I can think of so much more but I would be older than Jesus by the time I finished typing it. Also on forums and on Wikipedia, they try to disguise themesleves by saying "one time when I was at college" (college students never say that dumbass, they say "school"). Also, its not a very good sounding word; my mouth feels strange when I say it.

3. MySpace, for so many reasons which I am not going to list because I am lazy. I would like to note that most MySpace users care more about their "myspace" than their life.

4. Chuck Norris jokes, he wasn't that great

5. The grammer used in the user article you are currently reading.

6. Kids who have cellphones. Why the FUCK does a kid (or "teen" for all you douchebags who think having a cellphone is okay as long as you are over 13 or some other number under 20) need a cellphone? Oh yeah, the kid absolutely must have a cellphone so s/he can text his/her boy or girlfriend; if a parent does not encourage sexual behaviour by buying their kid a cellphone for this purpose, the parent's child will suffer rejection at his/her school and will commit suicide (this sentence is an example of sarcasm).

7. Parents who believe it is necessary for their child to have a cell phone because of some commercial they saw.

8. That cellphone commercial from Cingular (I think) where that one girl is talking to her mom using common text messege abbreviations ("bff jill", now do you know which commercial I am talking about?).

9. Children.