Talk:ERP modeling

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[edit] Legality ???

Perhaps there ought to be a section explaining where the legality of this activity fits into the software world.

Legally aquired ERP software typically comes with access to detailed documentation that makes this reverse engineering totally unneccessary. Even when an enterprise is careless with the documentation and needs to reconstitute some, a valid license with the software owner means access to authorized documentation.

Reverse engineering is usually constrained by conditions of a software license.

APICS defines what belongs in any ERP so anyone with good ERP education already knows what should be there.

This sounds like someone who has never been to a University, trying to reverse engineer the know-how that comes with a university degree. User:AlMac|(talk) 02:25, 27 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Necessity?

If an enterprise wants a software package with certain features, it is usually much more economical to buy one that has those features, than to try to convert one that does not.

Many ERP are designed to operate in an object oriented world, and many of those come with data bases that are business rules capable.

e.g. cost price financial valuation fields should never be negative, only the multiplying quantity can be negative.

e.g. certain control values, such as customer id, vendor-id part-id can only be entered to detail files if there is a corresponding master record on that id in the relevant master id files. In other words certain consistency with relatioal data base concepts can be mandated within the business rules that are part of the data base design of an object oriented ERP software package. If that is what an enterprise wants, why not buy such a package. Why take a package that does not have such features and try to convert it? User:AlMac|(talk) 02:30, 27 January 2006 (UTC)