Ernst Friedrich Germar
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Ernst Friedrich Germar (1786 - 1853) was a German professor and director of the Mineralogical Museum at Halle. As well as being a mineralogist he was interested in entomology and particularly in the Coleoptera.
Amongst Germar’s publications are:
- Species Cicadarium enumeratae et sub genera distributae. Thon. Ent. Arch. (2)2: 37-57, pl. 1 (1830).
- Observations sur plusieurs espšces du genre Cicada , Latr. Rev. Entomol. Silbermann 2: 49-82, pls. 19-26 (1834).
- Über die Elateriden mit häutigen Anhängen der Tarsenglieder. Z. Entomol. (Germar) 1: 193-236 (1839).
- Bemerkungen über Elateriden. Z. Entomol. (Breslau) 5: 133-192 (1844)
- Beiträge zur insektenfauna von Adelaide. Linn. Entomol. 3: 153-247 (1848)
- Fauna Insectorum Europae There were 24 fascicles in this work August Ahrens producing the first two, Germar and F. Kalfuss the third (1817) and Germar alone the remaining 21.
[edit] Collections
Non Coleoptera Deutsches Entomologisches Institut (DEI)