Eric Walter Elst

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Asteroids discovered: 3490
(as of July 2006—only a few unusual ones are listed here)
4486 Mithra[1] September 22, 1987 Apollo asteroid
7968 Elst-Pizarro[2] July 14, 1996 also a comet
(15745) 1991 PM5 August 3, 1991 Amor asteroid
(21088) 1992 BL2 January 30, 1992 Amor asteroid
(52387) 1993 OM7 July 20, 1993 Amor asteroid
  1.   with Vladimir Georgiev Shkodrov
  2.   with Guido Pizarro

Eric Walter Elst is a Belgian astronomer.

He is a prolific discoverer of asteroids, with over 3000 discovered so far (85 of these having a co-discoverer).

Notable discoveries include the Apollo asteroid 4486 Mithra, the asteroid/comet 7968 Elst-Pizarro (133P/Elst-Pizarro), and more than 25 Trojan asteroids.

The asteroid 3936 Elst was named in his honour.

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