Eric E. Schmidt

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Eric Schmidt

Born April 27, 1955 (1955-04-27) (age 53)
Occupation Chairman and CEO of Google Inc
Board of Directors of Apple Inc.
Net worth $6.6 billion USD (2008)[1][2]
Google Inc. Profile

Eric Emerson Schmidt (born April 27, 1955(1955-04-27)[citation needed] in Washington, D.C.) is Chairman and CEO of Google Inc. and a member of the Board of Directors of Apple Inc.[3] He also sits on the Princeton University Board of Trustees.[4] He lives in Atherton, California with his wife Wendy.[5]


[edit] Education

After graduating from Yorktown High School (Virginia),[6] Schmidt attended Princeton University where he earned a BSEE in 1976[7]. At the University of California, Berkeley, he earned an MS in 1979, for designing and implementing a network linking the campus computer center, the CS and the EECS departments[8] [9], and a PhD in 1982 in EECS with a dissertation about the problems of managing distributed software development and tools for solving these problems[10]. He was joint author of lex (a lexical analyzer and an important tool for compiler construction.) He taught at Stanford Business School as a part time professor.[citation needed]

[edit] Previous and current work

Early in his career, Schmidt held a series of technical positions with IT companies, including Bell Labs, Zilog and Xerox’s famed Palo Alto Research Center (PARC). He joined Sun Microsystems in 1983, led its Java development efforts and rose to become Chief Technology Officer. In 1997, he was appointed CEO of Novell.

Schmidt left Novell after the acquisition by Cambridge Technology Partners. Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin (with the assistance of executive search firm Heidrick & Struggles, Inc.) interviewed Schmidt; impressed by him,[11] they recruited Eric Schmidt to run their company in 2001 under the influence of venture capitalists John Doerr and Michael Moritz.

Schmidt joined Google's board of directors as chairman in March 2001 and became the company's CEO in August 2001. At Google, Schmidt shares responsibility for Google's daily operations with founders Page and Brin. As indicated by page 29 of Google's 2004 S-1 Filing,[12] Schmidt, Page, and Brin run Google as a triumvirate. Schmidt possesses the legal responsibilities typically assigned to the CEO of a public company and focuses on management of the vice presidents and the sales organization.

According to Google's website, Schmidt also focuses on "building the corporate infrastructure needed to maintain Google's rapid growth as a company and on ensuring that quality remains high while product development cycle times are kept to a minimum."[13]

Schmidt is one of the few people who have become billionaires (USD) based on stock options received as an employee in a corporation of which neither he nor a relative was the founder. "Earlier this year, he pulled in almost $90 million from sales of Google stock and made at least another $50 million selling shares in the past two months as the stock leaped to more than $300 a share."[14] In its 2006 'World's Richest People' list, Forbes ranked Schmidt as the 129th richest person in the world (the ranking was shared by Onsi Sawiris, Alexei Kuzmichov, and Robert Rowling) with an estimated wealth of $6.2 billion. Schmidt earned a salary of $1 in 2006.[15]

Schmidt was elected to Apple's board of directors on August 28, 2006.

In 2007, Schmidt was cited by PC World as #1 on the list of the 50 Most Important People on the Web, along with Google co-Founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin.[16] He is also on the list of ARTnews 200 top art collectors. [17]

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Eric Schmidt Stock Trade Record
  2. ^ Google Inc. Executive Compensation
  3. ^
  4. ^
  5. ^ "Taylor Eigsti, a 15-year-old jazz pianist featured on the August 4 cover of the Almanac, performed for President Clinton Friday night at the Atherton home of Novell CEO Eric Schmidt and his wife Wendy." "LOOSE ENDS"
  6. ^ McCaffrey, Scott (15 May 2008), “New Inductees Named to Yorktown Hall of Fame”, Sun Gazette, <> 
  7. ^ Wolff, Josephine. "University Library joins Google Book Search", The Daily Princetonian, 6 Feb 2007. Retrieved on 2008-05-28. 
  8. ^ Eric, Schmidt, The Berkeley Network - A Retrospective, <> 
  9. ^ Eric, Schmidt, An Introduction to the Berkeley Network, <> 
  10. ^ Schmidt, E. E. (1982). "Controlling large software development in a distributed environment". . U.C. Berkeley EECS Technical Reports
  11. ^ "CEO Eric Schmidt stood out because he "was the only candidate who had been to Burning Man."" From "Markoff and Zachary on Google"; being quoted in the quote are John Markoff and Gregg Zachary. See also Business Week's "Eric Schmidt, Google" from 29 September, 2003: "One of the first orders of business was joining his new 20-something colleagues at Burning Man, a free-form festival of artistic self-expression held in a Nevada desert lake bed. Sitting in his office shortly after his return, tanned and slightly weary, Schmidt couldn't have been happier. "They're keeping me young," he declared."
  12. ^ Amendment No. 9 to Form S-1 Registration Statement Under The Securities Act of 1933. United States Securities and Exchange Commission (2004-08-18).
  13. ^ Google Management: Dr. Eric Schmidt, Chairman of the Executive Committee and Chief Executive Officer. Google Inc.. Retrieved on 2006-12-01.
  14. ^ Mills, Elinor (Wed Aug 03 05:20:30 PDT 2005). Google balances privacy, reach (HTML) (English). CNET. Archived from the original on 2005. Retrieved on 2006-11-15.
  15. ^ Eric Schmidt, Larry Page and Sergey Brin agree to a $1 salary according to company's latest proxy. Retrieved on 2008-02-03.
  16. ^ Null, Christopher. "The 50 Most Important People on the Web." PC World. March 5, 2007. Retrieved on March 5, 2007.
  17. ^ ARTnews, The ARTnews 200 Top Collectors, 2007 [1]
  18. ^ The 70 Percent Solution - December 1, 2005

[edit] External links