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Questions and answers: by Erach A. Irani, PhD, M.Tech (1985-1993) (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis Computer Science/specialization Artificial Intelligence) B.Tech (IIT Mumbai 1985),
TO THE WIKIPEDIA EDITOR: Make this a research wikipedia and please see these research questions.
1. Why do husband and wife rarely if ever get the same illness at the same time ? Answer: Because they when they select each other do that OR because no disease is so serious like EBOLA that it destroys its host completely OR because the husband and wife exchange genetic information.
2. In quantum physics why should we have the perfect OBSERVER when in reality all observers are decaying, expanding and contracting, finite, striving towards infinity.
Answer: Because the mathematics we have is finite, and perfect. We should introduce imperfect mathematics.
3. Why in Mumbai, India and all crowded cities of the world, neighbors cannot string internet connections (wired or wireless) to other neighbors and bill them for internet paid activity and keep free cached content free. Use WIFI.
ANSWER: Because they are stupid and not thought about it.
4. Does urine therapy work ?
Not for me. It made me weak (drinking urine) but massaging with old urine is excellent and homeopathic old urine in the eye removed my right big toe pain.