Erasmus of Arcadia

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This article discusses Erasmus, the Greek Orthodox bishop. For other meanings, see Erasmus (disambiguation).
Metropolitan Erasmus
Born Diocese of Arcadia, Crete

Erasmus of Arcadia was said to be a Greek Orthodox bishop of the Diocese of Arcadia in Crete.[1] In 1764, while visiting London, Bishop Erasmus was responsible for the ordinations of several Methodist lay preachers to the ordained ministry.[2] It is contentious as to whether he consecrated Rev. John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, a bishop.[3] Many who argue that the Erasmian consecration did occur, maintain that the Methodist Church has maintained Apostolic Succession.[4] Opponents argue that Metropolitan Erasmus was an imposter masquerading as a bishop.[5]

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ The Methodist Archives Biograpical Index: Erasmus
  2. ^ Hans Rollmann: Early Methodism in Newfoundland
  3. ^ Wesley Center Online: The Methodist Quarterly Review 1878
  4. ^ Unity Catholic Church: Constitution
  5. ^ Toplady: Letter - Relative to his Pretended Abridgement of Zanchius on Predestination