Equinox OSGi

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Developed by Eclipse Foundation
Latest release 3.3.2 / February 29, 2008 (2008-02-29); 106 days ago
Preview release 3.4 M7 / May 2, 2008 (2008-05-02); 43 days ago
Written in Java
OS Cross-platform
Genre OSGi Service Platform
License Eclipse Public License
Website http://www.eclipse.org/equinox/

Equinox is the name of an Eclipse project that aims to implement OSGi R4 core framework specification, which is basically a plugin system that makes it possible to implement an application as a set of "plugins" using common services and infrastructure. In version 3.0, Eclipse made a big leap by choosing OSGi to replace the rickety Eclipse plug-in technology found in earlier versions. In brief, OSGi technology provides a service-oriented plug-in-based platform for application development.


[edit] Running Equinox

To run Equinox OSGi on its own either download the org.eclipse.osgi JAR from the download site [1] or look in your Eclipse install for a file like <install location>/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.osgi_3.2.0_xxx.jar. Once you have the Equinox framework JAR, from the command line type the following:

java -jar org.eclipse.osgi_3.2.0.jar -console

Once this is running you will see an osgi> prompt. This is the OSGi console waiting for you to type commands. Type '?' at the prompt for command help. The most interesting commands for getting started are:

install <bundle URL> - Installs the bundle from the given URL
start   <bundle # or bundle name> - Starts the bundle with the given numeric or symbolic id
stop    <bundle # or bundle name> - Stops the bundle with the given numeric or symbolic id
ss      - Reports a summary status of all installed bundles
diag    <bundle # or bundle name> - Reports any resolution problems for the bundle with the given numeric or symbolic id

[edit] ProSyst version of Equinox

There is also available an Open Source OSGi framework by ProSyst based on the Eclipse Equinox framework. With the mBedded Server Equinox Edition ProSyst improved the Equinox OSGi implementation by adding some additional features and bundles on top of it. ProSyst is an Eclipse member and has contributed the following OSGi Specification Parts to Equinox (deployed with M6 release):

  1. Initial Provisioning.
  2. IO Connector Service Specification.
  3. Wire Admin Service Specification.
  4. Declarative Services Specification.

[edit] References

[edit] See also

[edit] External links
