Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest

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The Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest is a seminary of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America. It is located in Austin in the Diocese of Texas. The seminary sets forth the following mission and core values[1]:


[edit] The Mission of the Seminary

The mission of the Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest is to prepare lay and ordained leaders who will equip the church to carry out God’s mission in a culturally diverse world, both perceptively and courageously, in the name of Jesus Christ.

[edit] Core Values

These are the unique and foundational attributes of the Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest.

  • A hospitable community life that embraces diversity and ensures that all voices are heard.
  • A collaborative learning environment that values each student’s expertise, promotes mutual inquiry, and builds on structured common experiences.
  • Spiritual formation in the Anglican tradition that nourishes a rule of life rooted in worship, prayer, study, creativity, and service.
  • Preparation for ministry through rigorous study in the seven canonical disciplines and the practice of justice.
  • Multi-cultural and global awareness and competence acquired primarily through the Hispanic experience in the Southwest, as well as engagement with World Christianity.
  • Mission orientation and passion for living and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed with those outside the church.
  • Development of effective servant leaders who practice integrity and who are advocates for ministries that transform lives.

[edit] References

[edit] External links