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Star Orchids
Epidendrum ciliare
Epidendrum ciliare
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Liliopsida
Order: Asparagales
Family: Orchidaceae
Subfamily: Epidendroideae
Tribe: Epidendreae
Subtribe: Laeliinae
Alliance: Epidendrum
Genus: Epidendrum
L., 1763
Type species
Epidendrum nocturnum
Jacq., 1760

About 1,100 species - See List of Epidendrum species.

Epidendrum, abbreviated Epi in horticultural trade, is a large neotropical genus of the orchid family, commonly known as the star orchid or crucifix orchid. With more than 1,100 species, some authors refer to it as a mega-genus. The genus name (from Greek, "growing on trees") refers to its epiphytic growth habit. When Carolus Linnaeus named this genus in 1763, he included in this genus all the epiphytic orchids known to him. However, few of these orchids are still included in the genus Epidendrum.


[edit] Distribution and ecology

They are native to the tropics and subtropical regions of the American continent, from South Carolina to Argentina. Their habitat is mostly epiphytic, a few are terrestrial or rarely growing on bare rock, such as Epidendrum calanthum and Epidendrum saxatile. Most are to be found in the Andes, at altitudes between 1,000 and 3,000 m. Their habitat varies from humid jungles to dry tropical forests, from sunny grassy slopes to cool cloud forests.

[edit] Characteristics

They are very varied in flower size and appearance. They grow in tufts, in racemose inflorescences, sometimes in corymbs or panicles. The apical, lateral or basal flowers are mostly small to medium in size and are not marked by a conspicuous display. They are borne on a dense inflorescence. Many species are fragrant. The flowers may be produced only once, or during several years from the same or new racemes. The ellipsoid fruits are 3-ribbed capsules.

This genus has the following characteristics :

  • a slit rostellum (small extension or little beak to the median stigma lobe), giving a transparent or white thick and adhesive liquid.
  • the fringed lip is adnate to ( = united with) the column (forming a nectary tube (but rarely producing nactar), continuing through the pedicel).
  • the pollinarium contains 4 pollinia (with sometimes 2 very reduced pollinia), rarely only 2 pollinia.
  • the erect stems are reed-like, simple or branching, but can also contain pseudobulbs or thickened stems.
Epidendrum radicans in the wild.
Epidendrum radicans in the wild.
Epidendrum sp. in the wild.
Epidendrum sp. in the wild.

[edit] Synonymy

The following genera have been brought into synonymy with Epidendrum: Amphiglottis Salisb., Anacheilium Hoffmanns., Anocheile Hoffmanns. ex Rchb., Auliza Small, Coilostylis Raf., Didothion Raf.,, Diothonea Lindl., Dothilophis Raf., Doxosma Raf., Epicladium Small, Epidanthus L.O.Williams, Epidendropsis Garay & Dunst., Exophya Raf., Hemiscleria Lindl., Kalopternix Garay & Dunst., Lanium (Lindl.) Benth., Larnandra Raf., Microepidendrum Brieger (nom. inval.), Minicolumna Brieger (nom. inval.), Nanodes Lindl., Neolehmannia Kraenzl., Neowilliamsia Garay, Nyctosma Raf., Phadrosanthus Neck. ex Raf., Physinga Lindl., Pleuranthium Benth., Pseudepidendrum Rchb.f., Seraphyta Fisch. & C.A.Mey., Spathiger Small, Stenoglossum Kunth, Tritelandra Raf..

[edit] Species

This huge genus contains more than 2,000 names (about 1,100 accepted names and the rest have become synonyms of other species). More than 1,000 have been split off into new genera such as Barkeria, Dimerandra, Encyclia, Oerstedella, Psichylus and Nanodes. However, it is estimated that there are more than 2,000 Epidendrum orchids, many of which still have to be discovered. More than 400 new species have lately been described by Eric Hágsater and colleagues (see: Reference).

These botanists have been honored, along with several other Epidendrum researchers, with an Epidendrum orchid named after them:

  • Epidendrum carnevalii Hágsater & L.Sánchez, (1999). (named after Carnevali)
  • Epidendrum foldatsii Hágsater & Carnevali, (1993). (name after Foldats)
  • Epidendrum garayi Løjtnant, (1977). (named after Garay)
  • Epidendrum garciae Pabst, (1976). (named after Garcia-Cruz)
  • Epidendrum hagsateri Christenson, (1995). (named after Hágsater)
  • Epidendrum lueri Dodson & Hágsater, (1989). (was named after dr. Luer of the Missouri Botanical Gardens, author of the series of monographs about the Pleurothallidinae orchids, the Icones Pleurothallidinarum)

[edit] Hybrids

Only a few natural hybrids have been named, such as Epidendrum × doroteae, Epidendrum × gransabanense and Epidendrum × purpureum. Epidendrum hybrids readily with Cattleya (Epicattleya) and other related genera. It is not uncommon for one to come across multi-genera hybrids, for example, Yamadara (Brassavola × Cattleya × Epidendrum × Laelia).

[edit] Culture

Although the flowers of most Epidendrum species are rather small and not very showy, these orchids are nevertheless widely cultivated, such as Epidendrum secundum, Epidendrum radicans, Epidendrum ibaguense and Epidendrum cinnabarinum.

Most Epidendrum species require intermediate to warm conditions for culture, although a few of the commonly cultivated species, such as Epidendrum radicans grow in cool conditions. In Auckland and other sub-tropical regions of New Zealand, the cool growing plants will flower all year round. While they are normally grown in pots, it is also possible to grow them in a bark garden.

[edit] References

  • Hagsater, E., Sanchez Saldana, L., and Garcia Cruz, J. (eds.) 1999. Icones Orchidacearum: fascicle 3. The genus Epidendrum: part 2. "A second century of new species in Epidendrum". Herbario AMO, Mexico D.F.
  • Hagsater, E. 2001. Icones Orchidacearum: Fascicle 4. The Genus Epidendrum. Part 3, "A Third Century of New Species in Epidendrum". Asociacion Mexicana de Orquideologia A.C., Mexico, D.F.
  • Hágsater, E. 2004. The genus Epidendrum. Part 4. A fourth century of new species in Epidendrum. Icon. Orchid. 7: pl. 701-800.

[edit] External links

  • Wikimedia Commons logo Media related to Epidendrum from the Wikimedia Commons.