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Epicanthoplasty sometimes referred to as "Westernization" is a type of eye surgery to remove the presence of epicanthal folds. It is considered to be a challenging procedure by some surgeons because the epicanthal folds overlay the lacrimal canaliculi (tear drainage canals).[1]

Epicanthoplasty is now an extremely rare procedure.[citation needed] Asian blepharoplasty, however, is a popular form of cosmetic surgery in East Asia. In Asian ethnicities, the presence of an epicanthic fold is associated with a less prominent upper eyelid crease, commonly termed "single eyelids" as opposed to "double eyelids". The two features are distinct; a person may have both epicanthal fold and upper eyelid crease, one and not the other, or neither

It often leaves scar lines visible post surgery. A common technique involves using what a called a "Z" plasty.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Meronk, F. "Epicanthoplasty". Retrieved May 11, 2006.

[edit] See also