From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Epaenetus (Greek:Ἐπαίνετος, praised) a Christian at Rome to whom Paul sent his salutation. Epaenetus was one of the first Christians and beloved friend of Paul[1][2].
- Epaenetus (633 -632 BC) an Archon of Athens.
- Epaenetus son of Silanus, a Macedonian Tethrippon winner at Lykaia in 308 BC[3].
- Epaenetus admiral of Ptolemy I Soter. He and Agis managed to suppress the revolt of Cyrene, Libya in 312 BC[4].
- Epaenetus of Andros, a lover of Neaira.
- Epaenetus a Greek food writer, cited by Athenaeus[5].