Talk:Environmental technology/Outline
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This is an outline for organizing Environmental Technology and is attached here instead of the talk page for various purposes.
- ↓
- ↓→Sustainable development
- ↓ : ↓
- ↓ : ↓→Socially equitable decisions
- ↓ : ↓→Economically viable decisions
- ↓ : ↓→Environmentally sound decisions
- ↓ : ↓→Environmental design
- ↓
- ↓→Conservation
- ↓ : ↓
- ↓ : ↓→Conservation biology
- ↓ : ↓→Conservation ethic
- ↓ : ↓→Energy conservation
- ↓
- ↓→Energy development
- ↓ : ↓
- ↓ : ↓→Alternative energy
- ↓ : ↓→Future energy development
- ↓ : ↓→Renewable energy
- ↓ : ↓ : ↓
- ↓ : ↓ : ↓→Biofuel
- ↓ : ↓
- ↓ : ↓→Sustainable energy
- ↓
- ↓→Preservation
- ↓ : ↓
- ↓ : ↓→Environmental preservation
- ↓ : ↓→Ecoforestry
- ↓
- ↓→Waste management
- ↓ : ↓
- ↓ : ↓→Composting
- ↓ : ↓→Recycling
- ↓ : ↓→Solid waste treatment
- ↓ : ↓→Waste water treatment
- ↓ : ↓→Water purification